Kari Lake, a political novice and defeated candidate, won’t be the GOP vice presidential nominee. Oh, she had aspirations. She yearned to be on Trump’s 2024 ticket. But that just wasn’t realistic. Why would she be? she’s never won an election or held a public office. Sucking [...]
Posts Tagged ‘2024 Election’
Memo to Nikki Haley
Memo: If you’re tired of losing, don’t be a loser. But she’s not off to a good start. Speaking at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), a gathering that has a reputation for foaming-at-the-mouth extremism, Haley started off by reminding a small crowd that, “We’ve[...]
Loyalty pledge
Ronna McDaniel, who chairs the Republican National Committee (RNC), firmly believes 2024 GOP presidential contenders should be required “to sign a pledge to back the party’s ultimate nominee in order to participate in primary debates.” “I think it’s kind of a no-brainer, ri[...]
Is Nikki Haley a serious presidential candidate?
Nikki Haley wants to be president for no better reason than she wants to be president. That’s more or less the media narrative, which has focused on her struggles to differentiate herself from other aspirants (see story here), beyond being a Republican who isn’t Trump (although she certa[...]
What kind of president would DeSantis be?
— DeSantis defended slavery as “backbone of economy” and “fact of life” in 2011 book Read story here — DeSantis moves toward political control of university studies Here and here — Return to The-Ave.US Home Page[...]
Kari Lake untethers from truth
And that’s a huge red flag in a candidate for public office. Before the 2022 election, in which Lake ran for Arizona governor, she repeated Trump’s election lies and claimed her own election wouldn’t be fair unless she won. That’s a slap in the face — no, a hard punch &[...]
Nikki Haley insulted senior citizens
“In the America I see, the permanent politician will finally retire. We’ll have … mandatory mental-competency tests for politicians over 75 years old.” That’s how Nikki Haley kicked off her campaign for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination on Wednesday, February 15, 2023. “Pe[...]
Should one person pick the GOP’s 2024 nominee?
It could happen. A presidential campaign today costs $1 billion, but oil and chemicals billionaire Charles Koch is so rich he could easily pay for one himself. As it is, Koch funds a vast array of conservative think tanks, policy groups, and political action. No one is more responsible for the blizz[...]
Why Pence won’t be president
Although he’s something of a Jan. 6 hero in some people’s eyes (actually, he only refused to be a coup lotter), Mike Pence is what he’s always been: A religious right conservative. Televangelist John Hagee (photo, left; profile here) is one of the most repulsive figures of the reli[...]
DeSantis unveils his next stunt
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who wants to be president, “now wants to prosecute those who pushed the vaccines,” Huffington Post says. “In Florida, it is against the law to mislead, to misrepresent, particularly when you’re talking about the efficacy of a drug,” DeSantis told a gather[...]