The real reason Kari Lake won’t be vice president

Kari Lake, a political novice and defeated candidate, won’t be the GOP vice presidential nominee.

Oh, she had aspirations. She yearned to be on Trump’s 2024 ticket. But that just wasn’t realistic. Why would she be? she’s never won an election or held a public office. Sucking up to Trump, and parroting his election lies, isn’t good enough. She’s a loser, and he despises losers.

So Lake needed an off-ramp. Sensing it’s better to quit than be rejected, she withdrew. To explain that to her legions of loyal supporters (all 500 of them), the increasingly comical loser announced,

That, of course, isn’t an actual problem because she isn’t governor of anything except the imaginary world she lives in, like a little girl playing with dolls. But don’t tell her that. She might break down and start sobbing.

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