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June 30th, 2019 - 6:51 pm § in News Media

Fox’s Tucker Carlson dismisses murders of journalists and dissidents

“You’ve got to be honest about what it means to lead a country, it means killing people.” That’s what Fox News host Tucker Carlson said Sunday while appearing on “Fox & Friends” from his perch in South Korea after “witnessing president Trump become the first[...]

June 11th, 2019 - 8:43 am § in Racism

Fox’s Answer to Racism

Watch the latest video at[...]

May 9th, 2019 - 9:29 am § in Donald Trump

Republicans Use Fox to Go After Trump!

Republicans for the Rule of Law is a group of life-long Republicans dedicated to support for the laws applying equally to everyone, from the average citizen to the president of the United States. “It’s clear from the report today that there’s a lot of political interference that was at[...]

April 8th, 2019 - 1:44 am § in News Media

CNN, MSNBC have become Fox Like, Bring Back the Evening News!

I think an old fashioned evening news show, reporting world and American news, would be a huge draw. As it is we get whatever the day story is, often planted by Trump, recooked to sell clicks for each host. Someone at CNN,and MSNBC, jist as ta Fox, gets together each night and sets out the […[...]

April 1st, 2019 - 5:25 pm § in Misc.

21st Century Fox to Remake “My Fair Lady!”


March 15th, 2019 - 1:24 am § in America, Donald Trump, Hypocrisy

Fox Movies to Make New Version of “The Ugly American”

® Walt Disney subsidiary®,  Fox Movies®,  has announced its  intention to release an updated version of “The Ugly American.”  The new version will star Donald Trump in the signature role once played by Marlon Brando. The original “The Ugly American” was produced by Uni[...]

December 4th, 2018 - 1:03 pm § in Misc.

Fox Celebrates Treason Season

One wonders whether there might be demons and devils after all. Is this an innocent accident?  An act of a demon?  Jesus trying to speak through the Mouth of Murdoch?[...]

June 5th, 2018 - 1:30 pm § in Donald Trump, Politics

Fox News caught faking Philadelphia Eagles “protests” that never happened

“Fox News apologized Tuesday after receiving a torrent of criticism over the network’s use of photos of various players for the Philadelphia Eagles kneeling in prayer, creating the misleading impression that they were demonstrating during the national anthem.” — CNN A Fox New[...]

March 20th, 2018 - 4:43 pm § in Politics

Fox military analyst quits in disgust, calls network “propaganda machine”

Retired Army Lt. Col. Ralph Peters quit his role as a Fox military analyst Tuesday, and ripped into the network in an email to his colleagues, in which he said, “I feel that Fox News is assaulting our constitutional order and the rule of law, while fostering corrosive and unjustified paranoia [...]

February 17th, 2018 - 1:12 am § in Misc.

