Posts Tagged ‘Gays’

June 10th, 2024 - 3:16 pm § in Law and Courts, Schools & Colleges

Student tests school free speech with anti-gay tee-shirt

The Supreme Court ruled decades ago that students have some free speech rights, but left the water muddied, perplexing courts and schools to the present day. Consequently, school free speech cases are very complicated. School authorities usually “are motivated by a desire to maintain order, av[...]

August 29th, 2022 - 4:55 pm § in Economics, Politics, Racism

I’m used to racist/sexist GOP candidates, but a lobotomized one?

Disclaimer: Just because I’m used to them, doesn’t mean I vote for them. Blake Masters, 36, is the 2022 Arizona GOP nominee for U.S. senator. He wasn’t born stupid, as he has B.A. and J.D. degrees from Stanford, so his cerebral cortex must have been pithed at some point, perhaps as[...]

April 17th, 2022 - 4:07 pm § in America, Foreign Affairs, Politics, Racism

Request to GOP: Can we have some leaders?

Karl Marx famously said, “the masses are asses,” to justify what he called a “dictatorship of the proletariat” that turned out to be just another plain old dictatorship. The idea of representative democracy is to entrust ultimate authority for decision-making to the collectiv[...]

March 29th, 2020 - 7:57 am § in Jews

Sunday Revelation: San Francisco to Ban Male Jews, Will Not Solve Budget Crisis

Lloyd Schofield, and his supporters, have until April 26 to gather 7,200 valid signatures to ban male circumcision under age 18. Their website is The measure would make it “unlawful to … to circumcise, excise, cut, or mutilate the whole or any part of the foreskin, testicl[...]

May 14th, 2015 - 11:49 pm § in Misc., Russia

Sweden Deploys Gay Anti Submarine Weapon


March 27th, 2015 - 2:27 pm § in Politics

Indiana Republicans cut their own economic throats by legalizing discrimination against gays

The backlash has already started. Organizations from the NCAA to big companies are reassessing their relationships with the State of Indiana. This isn’t about sentimentality or corporations suddenly getting a conscience and caring about human rights. These are hard-headed business decisions. T[...]

March 3rd, 2015 - 3:24 pm § in Misc.

California lawyer files initiative to have “Sodomites” put to death

A California lawyer has filed an initiative, called the “Sodomite Suppression Act,” requiring that ‘any person who willingly touches another person of the same gender for purposes of sexual gratification be put to death by bullets to the head or by any other convenient method”[...]

February 21st, 2015 - 12:25 pm § in America, Religion

The U.S. Constitution treats belief and behavior differently

A Richland, Washington, florist is digging in for a legal fight she’s likely to lose. Meanwhile Seattle’s new police chief  has imposed restrictions on what the department’s employees can post on social media, and the usually combative leader of the police union is counseling his [...]

July 4th, 2014 - 2:41 pm § in Misc.

July 4: the First Amendment .. click me for full message.


February 28th, 2014 - 10:43 am § in Misc.

South Carolina: Trumps AZ, Blocks Books That Mention Gays

 Seems like South Carolina is running for capital of the Confederacy, putting the legislature in charge of college curriculum. Why do good people choose to live there? Members of the South Carolina House of Representatives on Wednesday voted to cut $70,000 in funding from two public colleges that a[...]