Israeli children rank near bottom of OECD A new UNICEF report reveals that Israeli children are not only the poorest children in Western countries, but their parents also suffer from the greatest income inequality.[...]
Archive for the ‘Jews’ Category
Jewish Opposition to Israel
Hello friends of Jewish Voice for Peace-Seattle, Chag Sameach! Thank you to those of you who were able to join us for our Passover Seder last weekend — it was incredibly energizing to have so many people come together to honor tradition while also engaging politically for justice and freedom.[...]
FACEBOOK: A Dialog About Israel
Naomi Rhoads True support of Israel, which is also a support of Palestinians and neighboring Arab countries, is supporting the ISRAELI PEACE MOVEMENT and not war hawk Netanyahu, (Israel’s equivalent of a Republican politician.) PEACE benefits the ordinary people….in Israel….in Pale[...]
BUCHENWALD 113 What it means to be a Jew
Today is the third day of Passover. Yesterday we celebrated our first seder at 9AM in Seattle, sharing it with our children who live in Oslo at their time for a second seder! The Haggadah we use is unique, written by my wife, my children and myself over the four decasdes since the assassination o[...]
Call me Honky
This began as a discussion with a Jewish friend, someone I respect greatly. I will call my friend Aaron. Aaron, of course is a pseudonym. The words below the picture (of John Carridine as Aaron) are an edited version of an email sent to me. Aaron is a socially committed and very learned Jew. He[...]
Kol Nidre
Kol Nidre (Aramaic: כָּל נִדְרֵי) is an Aramaic declaration recited in the synagogue before the beginning of the evening service on every Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. The song is a plea to be released from obligatins under Jewish law, obligations Jews in Spain could not meet under [...]
MJ: Kosher for Pesach!
First Beans and Rice, Now Marijuana kosher for Passover After smelling the leaves of a cannabis plant, Rabbi Kanievky and Rabbi Yitzchak Zilberstein, another leading Orthodox authority, decided that the plant had a “healing smell” and made the blessing for fragrant leaves. First the Conservative[...]
What Happens When Seattle’s Black Neighborhood Becomes “Schwarzenfrei?”
The most ironic part of the protest against Uncle Ike’s MJ shop is the that the activists are Black but the Central D is now “schwartzenfrei” … that is free of the African Americans who once made this a vibrant center of Seattle culture. The complaints range from cha[...]