What does nonviolence, the heritage of Hillel, Gandhi, Martin Luther King and Chavez, offer Palestinians seeking peace? The first intifada was inspired by the legendary Rav Hillel. Occupied by Rome and suffering under a corrupt priesthood controlled by Rome, Hillel taught non violence .. resist[...]
Archive for the ‘Israel/Palestine’ Category
Why is Netanyahu Channeling Hitler?
I understand that many here support Likhud. Of course as a Zionist, I support our Jewish traditions of democracy .. even when the stands of a politician in our community are repugant to me. However, democracy and Zionism do not mean standing by when a Jew’s actions, especially a major politici[...]
A Zionist Answer to War, in Honor of My Daughter’s Namesake
Before out first child was born, my wife and I chose “Haviva” to name our daughter after an amazing heroine .. Haviva Reik a Palestinian Jew. Haviva Reik was one of three Palestinian Jewish women who went on a suicide mission behind the Nazi lines. Using their language skills to [...]
Where I am accused of being a CAPO.
So, no Guy Alster, I am not a capo. FACEBOOK: Marty Cohen Mr schwarts, you are obviously anti israel, for whatever demented reason you may conjure. KNOW this, YOU WILL Get YOUR JUST rewards WHEN THE MOSHIACH cones. Guy Alster Every time I encounter kapo style Jews like Stephen Schwartz I ask mysel[...]
Demographic Myths: How the “Palestinians” came to be
Moshe Novick from FACEBOOK In 1840 the population of Jerusalem was 80 % Jews and 12% Christian Semites. In 1900 there were about 400,000 Arabs in the holy land. In 1947 there were a little less than 1.200,000 Arabs including Christians and Druse as well as Muslim Cirrcassis and Christian Armenian[...]
Former Israeli Prime Minister Worries About Israel Becoming an Apartheid State
Origins of the Conflict In Israel/Palestine
October 1, 1917, Ottoman soldiers surrounded the Jewish village of Zichron Yaakov. Their goal was to arrest Jews working to to help the British take over Ottoman Palestine. The captured Jews were jailed and tortured. The Ottoman Kamikam (governor) threatened to do to the Jews what was done t[...]
The Internet Economy Comes to ….. Beirut?
HUFF POST BLOG By Alexandra Talty Recently called “the Silicon Valley of the Middle East” by CNN, and “the Middle East’s Tech Hub” by TechCrunch, Beirut’s tech scene is the darling of international media of late. (Though Techonomy first wrote about it over two yea[...]
New Poll Shows Why Palestinians Have No Interest in Peace
An overwhelming majority of Palestinians think they’re on track to achieve their goal of eradicating Israel within a few decades. EVELYN GORDON in Commntary (excerpts) Commentary reports that a new poll of Paestinians showed little interest in peace The Fikra poll found that 81 percent[...]