Are Democrats safe in GOP country?

“The Democratic Party’s brand is so toxic in some parts of rural America that liberals are removing bumper stickers and refusing to acknowledge their party affiliation publicly,” blares an Associated Press headline (see story here).

Seems backwards to me. If you’re not safe in Trump country, it’s not you, Biden, or the Democratic Party who’s toxic.

Anyway, AP’s reporter says, “Some Democrats here in rural Pennsylvania are afraid to tell you they’re Democrats.”

“’The hatred for Democrats is just unbelievable,’ said Tim Holohan, an accountant based in rural McKean County …. ‘You have to be careful around here,’ said Barbara Speer, 68, a retired sixth grade teacher.”

And then you have incidents like this (many more details here), that can only serve to discourage outsiders from venturing into rural towns and areas.

We’re long past the point where I’d feel safe driving to eastern Washington with a Biden sticker on my car. Maybe nothing would happen, but I don’t believe in tempting fate.

I’m not saying it’s all one-sided. But when reporters talk about “toxic” politics, when local residents mention “hatred” or being “careful,” when people don’t feel safe around folks of the other persuasion, most of the time it’s not Democrats they’re worried about.

Photos: Left, safe; right, not safe

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