Synagogue gunman gets life without parole

In April 2019, a 20-year-old sociopath strolled into a San Diego-area synagogue with an AR-15 and opened fire, killing a 60-year-old woman and wounding the rabbi and two others, including an 8-year-old girl.

Two years later, John T. Earnest, 22, told a California judge he did it because he believed Jewish people were “destroying the white race.”

He pleaded guilty and accepted a life sentence without parole to avoid California’s death penalty. But he could still face execution if prosecuted under federal law, and the feds are weighing their options. I doubt they’ll go to the trouble.

The odds are slim he’d ever be executed. The chances are good he’ll go stir crazy. If he lives to be 88 years old, he’ll do 66 years behind bars.

Read story here. Read more about this sicko here.

Photo: The face of a hater

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