Public university lets Michael Flynn keep honorary degree

“The University of Rhode Island decided not to revoke an honorary degree bestowed upon Michael Flynn,” reported on June 24, 2021 (story here).

Flynn, who was born in Rhode Island and grew up there, was a juvenile delinquent and a poor student in college, but graduated from U. of Rhode Island with a business degree and ROTC commission, and stayed in the Army until retiring as a 3-star general in 2014, at which time the school conferred an honorary degree on him in recognition of his military accomplishments.

The question of revoking the honorary degree (his bachelor’s degree was never in question) came up after he pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his Russian dealings. The college president asked the school’s honorary degree committee to review that matter, and in June announced he wouldn’t forward its recommendation to the board of trustees, without saying what it was. That leaves the honorary degree intact.

As for me, I don’t see how a university burnishes its public image by continuing to honor a convicted felon and notorious seditionist who advocates overthrowing our elected government with a military coup.

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