Archive for February 20th, 2020

February 20th, 2020 - 10:26 pm § in Misc.

We Need a President Who Will Restrict Her Power to Rule!

I SUPPORT WARREN BECAUSE SHE WILL REFORM THE PRESIDENCY! So, as we move through 4 Anno Trumpi, , I choose Warren because she takes a Presidential Reform Act seriously. I doubt Bernie or Bloomberg would want one at all. My own version of such an act is on . I WELCOME COMMENTS!   The [&he[...]

February 20th, 2020 - 12:53 pm § in Hypocrisy

Bernies Sanders is NOT being honest about his heart!

WASHINGTON (AP) — Bernie Sanders says he doesn’t plan to divulge additional information about his health, “I think we have released a detailed medical report, and I’m comfortable on what we have done,” the 78-year-old Vermont senator said during a CNN town hall on Tuesday. This is bizarre [...]

February 20th, 2020 - 8:39 am § in Donald Trump, Hypocrisy

Explaining Democracy to Bernie Sanders

RHETORIC MATTTERS!  BERNIE OUGHT NOT SOUND LIKE LENIN! Last night at the debate in Nevada, Bernie was asked if he should win the nomination if he goes to Milwaukee with more votes than any other candidate but not a majority. Bernie said “yes,” because that was the will of the people. He[...]