Trump campaign fakes Time cover, too!

Everyone’s getting in the act. Get a load of this Trump campaign poster. Talk about childish jealousy! Elementary school playgrounds have nothing on Trump and his campaign staff.

(Click on image to enlarge)

Update: Commenter Mark Adams alleges, “This is clearly a Democratic campaign poster. Propaganda meant to smear.” Let’s fact-check that. Newsweek says,

“After another Twitter spat with young environmentalist Greta Thunberg, who was named Time magazine’s Person of the Year Wednesday, President Trump’s reelection campaign Twitter has posted a photoshopped picture of Trump as Thunberg to solicit text signups.” (Read their story here.)

So you’re wrong, Mark. It’s a fundraising gambit by the Trump campaign, and they’re counting on people like you to fall for it. Send them money, Mark. That’s why they did this.

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  1. Mark Adams #

    Why not use the 2016 cover?

    And every Democrat running for 2020 has a staff member who has photo shopped their candidate as Times person of the year.

    This is clearly a Democratic campaign poster. Propaganda meant to smear.