How Can Rational People Live in Tea Party States?

South Carolina:

Poor Lindsey Graham.  The guy is one of the few rational people left in the Republican party.  He is not a Reprican.

But, he is the Senator from South Carolina.  Now, facing the charge of being a “Republican in Name Only” (RINO) poster child, the 58-year-old Lindsey is fronting new abortion legislation.  I suppose this like the “Cooch” laws in North Carolina where the state mandated raping women with an ultrasound device before an abortion can be done?

Americans ought to remember the history of this state … the state that bred African American men to Native American women to produce better slaves now wants to control every woman’s vagina?

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  1. Bob Raymond #

    I think you have a mistake in the tags you used at the bottom of this blog… there’s nothing in this essay about “SMS family” (Stephen M Schwartz family) that I can see?