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Archive for October, 2011
Governor proposes increasing cuts to UW to 2/3 of total state support! What’s left?
Oct. 27, 2011 Statement from UW President Michael K. Young regarding the governor’s proposed supplemental budget reductions As anticipated, the budget cuts released by the governor today have grave implications for the state of Washington and its citizens. The “Gr[...]
BREAKING NEWS: HorsesAss reports on poll of WA state voters
Over at HorsesAss, Darryl has posted his analysis of recent polling in our state. I recommend that you read the post by Darryl, 10/31/2011, at HorsesAss For the most part there are no surprises. The perspective for the 012 election looks shaky. The economy is the number one issue for voters. [...]
Will Congress Cut Salaries For UW School of Medicine Faculty?
The Scientist reports that the House draft of a budget for the NIH would cut the maximun salary for a Principal Investigator (PI) by 17%, from $199,700 to $165,300. This cut would have its most obvious effect on federal support for MD scientists. Because salaries for MDs are much higher t[...]
Is Elizabeth Warren the Clarion of the 99%?
Great Video.[...]
BREAKING NEWS: Aprikyan Case
UPDATE: Andrew Aprikyan’s fight with the UW will continue. As we have reported extensively on The AVE, Andrew has repeatedly asserted that he is innocent. He states that “is work has been corroborated by investigators elsewhere ans arose because of a disgruntled collaborator here ta[...]
Pizza is Better Than Tea: Support the Pizza Patriot Protest
We may be returning to the sixties, though the cause is a bigger one. Some of you may feel, as I do, that the streets are not your form of free speech. How else can you help? Here is a simple answer .. PICK UP YOUR PHONE AND ORDER FOOD! Big Mario’s has been […][...]
What Happened to America As The Land of Opportunity
Der Spiegel Reports: Has America Become an Oligarchy? The Occupy Wall Street movement is just one example of the sudden outbreak of tension between America’s super-rich and the “other 99 percent.” Experts now say the US has entered a second Gilded Age, but one in which hedge fund m[...]
SUNDAY REVELATIONS: Why did the East Coast get an earthquake?
Vos is Neias, New York – Rabbi Yehuda Levin, who last month blamed the murder of an 8-year-old Brooklyn boy on the passage of marriage equality in NY, has posted a new video in which he claims yesterday’s earthquake on the east coast was because G-d is angry about homosexuality. Says Levin: [...]