HAPPY NEW YEAR! שנה טובה ומתוקהכתיבה וחתימה טובה

Traditionally before Rosh Hashanah Jews and ask everyone to forgive them, they say the words “If there’s anything I’ve done this year to hurt you, …I hope you will forgive me.“

The traditional response is, sadly a bit sarcastic:  “Hey man you mochel me?” expecting the words  “yeh sure, whatever.”

This works !  You are free from all the ways you wronged your neighbor and she has dismissed you as irrelevant.

For now I ask you all for forgiveness for all the ways I wronged you.

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  1. jake #

    happy Jewish holidays Steve

  2. 2

    Happy New Year to you too! It was a reminder to send a Rosh Hashanah message to sis — it’s also the anniversary of their adoption of their kid so a message can do double duty – I cloned your Hebrew message for extra impact.

    Enjoying watching Michael Moore broadcasting live from Wall St. He-he. He doesn’t mince his words, does he?