Posts Tagged ‘Washington State’

January 13th, 2014 - 12:25 pm § in The Ave Scene

Why is the UW closing clinics at Harborview?

CROSSCUT: Harborview clinic closures: Can officials be serious? By                        Abe Bergman, M.D.                  There is still no clear word on whether the shocking plans for shutting down and moving Harborview’s primary care clinics — women�[...]

December 18th, 2013 - 3:28 pm § in America

Responding to an email complaint

A relative who lives in South Carolina has complained that  posts here about that state are unfair My reply: As for posts about SC, they really are nothing new.  Like many here in Seattle I have been angry that Boeing moved its assembly plant to avoid paying skilled workers a fair wage and becaus[...]

December 17th, 2013 - 4:20 am § in America, The Ave Scene

Does Amazon Use Slave Labor?

  Amazon — the future of retail?  Amazon’s warehouses are run like colonial enterprises — the staff are treated with contempt, paid badly, disciplined brutally, and set in competition against each other, often as temporary workers or on short-term contracts. Meanwhile, North of France: B[...]

December 4th, 2013 - 10:05 am § in Hypocrisy, Misc., Politics, The Ave Scene

Dont call me nigga

The word nigger or nigga as African Americans say has many different meanings.  At one point the word nigger was used by whites in order to define, limit, and ridicule blacks. The word is still used today, unlike back in the 1800’s up to the 1960’s, the majority of people using the word are[...]

November 6th, 2013 - 9:40 am § in Science, The Ave Scene

Science Denial Aids County Budget

King County snowplows to be scarce this winter The county will plow only 10 percent of its road miles this winter, a casualty of a decline in the county roads budget.[...]

November 1st, 2013 - 1:10 pm § in America, Environment, Politics

Elections 2014: Is Reichert vulnerable?

Is it too soon to begin thinking about getting rid of Reichert? THE Ave has suggested that the new eighth is NOT Tea Party Land.[...]

November 1st, 2013 - 6:30 am § in America, Hypocrisy, Misc., Schools & Colleges, The Ave Scene

Mis-Education of Black Children

  The African American community puts too much of an emphasis on youth athletics.  Sports build character, and teach life lessons that kids can use throughout their life.  However, playing sports should be secondary to academics.  In the African American community this is far from the case. [...]

October 28th, 2013 - 12:56 pm § in Hypocrisy, Politics, The Ave Scene

Why are you scared of me?

White America fears African American males.  The fear was evident during the Trayvon Martin case.  Its evident every time a black male is pulled over by police for no reason other than being black.  Many white Americans agreed with Zimmermans reasoning for stalking and killing a young  black kid[...]

October 17th, 2013 - 9:52 am § in Politics

What will Washington’s DEMOCRATS Do About Cruz?

The far right of the Republican party, what I call the Repricans, refer to moderate Republicans as Rhinos.  After Crus, it seems to me the Dems need to make that label stick! Two Washington Republican Congressmen (the Repricans still have not figured out the gender issue) live and run in districts[...]

October 16th, 2013 - 9:04 am § in Politics

BREAKING NEWS: Washington GOPer Belatedly Accepts Reality

At he last possible moment Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler (R-Wash.) wants an end to the shutdown and lift the debt limit.  Last night, Rep. Herrera panicked.  She broke ranks from \ calling on her party to give up hope of blocking Obamacare in the budget fight. “It’s time for my colleagues to[...]