Posts Tagged ‘UW Unions’

February 15th, 2016 - 11:55 am § in Misc.

Why UW Profs Opposes SEIU: Hint .. this has nothing to do with solving the problems faced by underpaid contingent faculty!

KARL KAIYALA Leadership in the unions involved in the BDS push are dominated by far-left activists who often if not inevitably exploit social issues as organizing tools.  Accordingly, the views of the rank and file are often subbordinate to, or even inconsequential to, the motives of leadership. Th[...]

February 11th, 2016 - 11:15 pm § in Misc., UW

Tagore on UW Unionization

 From the AAUP Listserv  Rajib Doogar This is meant as a largely light-hearted aside/riff evoked by Professor Peñas use of the formulation “… for the people …”.  But, as always, in the spirit of the greatest Marx of the them all, “no aspersions unintended.” �[...]

February 10th, 2016 - 5:39 am § in Misc., UW

UW President Responds To Attacks By SEIU

EMAIL to AAUP Listserve from Ana Mari Cauce Dear All, I’ve been very sparse in communicating on the listserve, especially now that unionization seems to be taking up most of the oxygen. But, I did want to respond to Amy’s email because it questions the integrity and intentions of the UW[...]

February 9th, 2016 - 9:47 am § in Misc.

The SEIU Debate Is Bitter

James Tweedle from AAUP listserv There is so much confusion in Sarah Stroup’s latest treatise that it would be impossible to respond to all of it. A few points will have to suffice. First, she agrees that The Seattle Times opinion piece by Ed Lazowska and Paul Hopkins is marked by what she calls a[...]

February 9th, 2016 - 8:12 am § in Misc.

SEIU 925, the Union Behind the SEIU/UW Effort, Fined For Action as a Polictical Party

SEIU 925 TO PAY NEARLY $32,000 AFTER AG LAWSUIT OVER CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORTING DEFICIENCIES OLYMPIA — Service Employees International Union Local 925 (SEIU 925) will pay the state $31,715 after an Attorney General’s Office lawsuit over its improper reporting of in-kind and cash campaign contrib[...]

January 26th, 2016 - 5:48 pm § in The Ave Scene, UW

UW UNION: Push Polling

 Who is “The UW Faculty” and how are they surveying the UW faculty?  (updated*) “Uwfaculty at” just sent a poorly written survey to UW faculty. The survey seemed to be written by the kind of group that sends out surveys promoting a political ca[...]

January 11th, 2016 - 1:50 am § in Misc., UW


A major argument against SEIU at UW is that the union’s role in politics is in conflict with the faculty’s mandate and long history of being apolitical. The US Supreme Court may change that argument.  The Court’s decision could affect us in three ways: Dues structure:  Of the [...]

December 1st, 2015 - 10:55 am § in Misc.

Crosscut Wades Into The UW Union Issue

Sadly an article written by an intern in Crosscut fails to discuss the issues with the proposed UW faculty union. The issue deserved a LOT more insight.  The article is right about one thing.  The UW pays its non contract faculty abysmal wages to provide entry level courses.  Annual salaries can[...]

October 26th, 2015 - 10:42 am § in Misc., UW

UW Excellence opposes UW SEIU

A large group of UW faculty, including many of our most eminent scientists, artists, and authors, have formed “UW Excellence” in opposition to the SEIU effort to organize a UW faculty union.   I have added my name t0 the list.   Like the other members of UW Excellence, I am doing this [...]

October 19th, 2015 - 1:54 am § in Schools & Colleges, The Ave Scene

With a Faculty Senate, Why Should the UW Faculty Need a Union?

The anonymity of the  email at the left aside , I think the content is accurate and raises the issue of SEIU and how it uses the dues as well as the weakness of the UW’s concept of shared governance.  1.  I oppose the SEIU because it is much more than a union of workers, it is a [&hellip[...]