Now that the Ave has discussed impeachment of one African American, it seems only fair to discuss how to impeach another one ….. (Mar. 3, 2011) — On August 9, 1974, President Richard Nixon resigned from the Presidency rather than face impeachment and indictment for his involvement in the Wat[...]
Posts Tagged ‘tea party’
Socialists around the world consider Obama their leader
THE INTERNATIONAL CADRES DEFEND THEIR OWN News Analysis by John Charlton of the Post and Email The International Socialist Review was concerned in 2008 that Obama would compromise on their principles. (Dec. 7, 2009) — The concern of common Americans that their federal government has b[...]
Utah House Votes to Illegalize Dollar as Currency
In an article Monday from the New American, Utah would also exempt gold and silver sales from all taxes, both state and federal. In addition to possibly making precious-metal coin lawful money for intrastate and government transactions, the bill would exempt gold and silver from state sales, income,[...]
While the tea spills, know-nothings are expelling essential foreigners from the USA.
A third of America’s entrepreneurs come from the “other world.” The US University system is a magnet for two reasons … our great universities and our entrepreneurial economy. Now we are weakening our universities, ignoring the international education market and joining Ar[...]
Florida’s Repricans* have come to the defense of the Bill of Rights!
Sen. Alan Hays of Florida :“I filed a bill that says in the courts of Florida the laws of no other country can be used to influence the decisions of Florida,. If it’s Sharia law or any other law — I don’t care what law it is — if it’s not a Florida law and [&helli[...]
Privatize the UW: One Way to Make a LOT of Money
Ed. All this handringing over cuts to the UW budget. We are worried about losing the Evans School because it does not make enough money! Here is a private school, one with far less prestige than the UW, no NCAA football, AND a PROFIT of $127.000.000! How did they do it? The door marked “[...]
Disenfranchisement of Student Voters
Conservative Corporate Advocacy Group ALEC Behind Voter Disenfranchisement Efforts The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), a conservative organization linked to corporate and right-wing donors, including the billionaire Koch brothers, has drafted and distributed model legislation, obtained[...]
Does Inclusiveness Lower Academic Standards?
Editorial By The Daily Orange Editorial Board, Syracuse University Published: Monday, February 21, 2011 Updated: Tuesday, February 22, 2011 02:02 CORRECTION: In this editorial, the change in the percentage of Pell Grant-eligible students is misstated. In 2009, 26.5 percent of students were Pell Gran[...]
WA State Reprican Senator Calls Government Nazis.
Ed. In the meantime Senator Stephens passed one welfare bill in our cash strapped Senate, Senate Bill 5337, sponsored by Sen. Val Stevens, R-Arlington would allow privately owned airports to apply for state grants and loans funded from aircraft taxes and dealer license and registration fees. F[...]
Marine Le Pen poll rating shock for French politics
An opinion poll suggesting far-right leader Marine Le Pen could win the first round of next year’s presidential election has caused a shock in France. The survey for Le Parisien newspaper puts the National Front leader, who took over from her father Jean-Marie in January, ahead of all other ca[...]