Florida’s Repricans* have come to the defense of the Bill of Rights!

Sen. Alan Hays of Florida :“I filed a bill that says in the courts of Florida the laws of no other country can be used to influence the decisions of Florida,. If it’s Sharia law or any other law — I don’t care what law it is — if it’s not a Florida law and if it’s some foreign law, it doesn’t belong in our courts.”


This is great news.  Since Judeo Christian laws are obviously also foreign to the US, this would mean we finally can ban all references to the Ten Commandments!

Jefferson would understand.

*Reprican .. as defined on the web, the successor party to the Republican Party. The Repricans arose in the early 21st century as a recrudescence of the “American Party” of the 1850’s .. also known as the “no nothings.” The neo-American Party took over the faltering party of Lincoln, leading to the election of the first Morman President of the US, President Glenn Beck, in 2014.


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