Posts Tagged ‘tea party’

November 21st, 2011 - 12:01 pm § in America, China, Hypocrisy

The Economy: China Inc. may understand POGO!

While the Republicans seem to think that the US economony is a chess piece in their politics, the world economy is the victim. In contrast. not troubled by messy concepts like Democrtacy, the Chinese see a long-term global recession as certain to happen and China Focus on domestic problems. BEIJING [...]

November 20th, 2011 - 10:54 pm § in America

Man Who Lied About WMD “Believe me, there was no other way to bring about freedom to Iraq. “

The defector who convinced the White House that Iraq had a secret biological weapons programme has admitted for the first time that he lied about his story, then watched in shock as it was used to justify the war. Rafid Ahmed Alwan al-Janabi, codenamed Curveball by German and American intelligence o[...]

November 18th, 2011 - 11:41 am § in America


(The Ave News Agency, January 9, 2011)  President Obama has announced that Iran no longer has a nuclear capability unless Iran wishes to commit suicide.   (From (Agence Presse Francaise)The Pentagon on Thursday held a successful test flight of a flying bomb that travels faster than the speed of s[...]

November 15th, 2011 - 11:03 pm § in America, Hypocrisy

George Will Tries to Figure Out What Romney Says

George Will assembles these pretzels from the Moron Mormon running for the Reprican nomination in  corn growing Iowa Romney in May: “I believe ethanol is an important part of our energy solution for this country.”  and “ethanol is part of national security.”ethanol should “continue to [...]

November 13th, 2011 - 12:11 pm § in America

Berkeley Blog: Capitalism in a Social Democracy

This article about the Finish economy came to my attention after a lecture at TownHall.  Jeff Sachs showed frightening data … the US has fallen to the bottom of the industrial, developed democracies in growth rates and, especially, in terms of upward mobility.  Sachs’ argument comes do[...]

November 13th, 2011 - 11:57 am § in America, Politics

The Republican Reality Show

“The Repricans” Seems like once a week we get to see see Mitt Romney’s robotic portrayal of an adult surrounded by six clowns.  Cain, Perry, Bachman, Newt, Santorum, and Paul.  Each week they throw pies, pee their pants, or wear funny shoes. It is easy to cast actors for these ro[...]

November 7th, 2011 - 8:25 am § in America

BERKELEY BLOG: Lessons for the Occupation from the Tea Baggers

What the Occupy movement can learn from the Tea Party Lawrence Rosenthal, executive director, Center for the Comparative Study of Right-Wing Movements | 11/3/11 | It’s important to look at the Occupy Movement in the context of the Tea Party movement.Both were utterly unexpected and both were game-[...]

November 6th, 2011 - 4:49 am § in America

SUNDAY REVELATION: Christian roots, trunk and branches for the Third Reich

Hitler was a True Christian™ from PZ Meyers on Pharygula. If you tuned in to that local debate on Christian radio, you know that one of the points the Christian fool trotted out was the tired old claim that the Nazis were no true Christians — no True Christian™ would ever commit such horrible[...]

October 30th, 2011 - 11:29 pm § in America, Hypocrisy

What Happened to America As The Land of Opportunity

Der Spiegel Reports: Has America Become an Oligarchy? The Occupy Wall Street movement is just one example of the sudden outbreak of tension between America’s super-rich and the “other 99 percent.” Experts now say the US has entered a second Gilded Age, but one in which hedge fund m[...]

October 26th, 2011 - 9:17 am § in America, Hypocrisy

BERKELEY BLOG: Selling the 99% Agenda

A framing memo for Occupy Wall Street  George Lakoff, professor of  linguistics | 10/25/11 | CLICKME: to hear Frank Luntz advise Stephen Colbert on how to frame the Colbert Super Pak. I was asked weeks ago by some in the Occupy Wall Street movement to make suggestions for how to frame the movemen[...]