For the second time in a row, the Supreme Court has rebuffed efforts by Tea Party activists to redraw America’s election maps in favor of rural conservatives. First, let’s quickly review the SCOTUS redistricting jurisprudence of the last half century. In Baker v. Carr (1962), the Court [...]
Posts Tagged ‘Supreme Court’
Tea Party loses another high-stakes redistricting fight in SCOTUS
Obama picks Merrick B. Garland for SCOTUS
President Obama will nominate Merrick B. Garland, chief judge of the D. C. Circuit, to the Supreme Court this morning, according to multiple media sources. Garland, 63, has a typical SCOTUS-track resume: Harvard Law, Supreme Court clerk, top DOJ prosecutor (he oversaw the Oklahoma City bombing and U[...]
TWO VIEWS: Justice Scalia is dead!!! Who’s next?
Two Views: ROGER RABBIT: The world just changed. Justice Antonin Scalia has died. I wonder if Republicans will claim the Clintons murdered him? I haven’t checked Drudge yet. President Obama now has the opportunity to switch the Supreme Court majority from conservative to liberal if he can get [...]
Abortion returns to Supreme Court
The U.S. Supreme Court announced today it will hear a case involving a restrictive Texas abortion law, which women’s advocates fear may portend reversal of Roe v. Wade. This is the law that Wendy Davis, then a Democratic state senator, and later a defeated candidate for Texas governor, famous[...]
Supreme Court draws a bead on public sector unions
Public-sector unions are the last bastion of America’s union movement that was born of the labor exploitation and abuses of the 19th century. Domestic manufacturing’s decline has contributed to a drastic drop in private-sector union membership — and with it, middle-class prosperity[...]
Supreme Court rules gay marriage is a constitutional right
It has taken the Supreme Court 150 years to figure out that “equal” means “equal,” and discrimination isn’t equality. What took them so long? But better late than never. The theocrats and states’ righters are pissing and moaning about it. They don’t like thi[...]
Scalia flunks first-year law school quiz
“The case hinged on the court’s reading of one line in the Affordable Care Act. Section 1311 of the law says the federal government will give subsidies to eligible consumers who buy insurance from an exchange ‘established by the State.’ The plaintiffs argued that, consequentl[...]
Clarence Thomas was deciding vote against Confederate license plates
Clarence Thomas is one of the Supreme Court’s most conservative justices, but he’s also a black who grew up in the South’s bitter racial culture, so it’s hardly shocking that he voted for his own people in last week’s 5-4 ruling upholding Texas’ refusal to issue C[...]