Posts Tagged ‘SMS family’

November 20th, 2013 - 1:12 pm § in Politics, Religion

Buchenwald 10: The Nazis and God

While discussing Buchenwald, this may be a good time to remember the myth that the Nazis were atheists. For more on their god Waralda, click here. “Atheism is the only world, or religious view that is not tolerated within the SS… I have not tolerated an atheist in the ranks of the SS. E[...]

November 20th, 2013 - 4:48 am § in Misc.

How News Has Changed: my day after the assasination.

Reporting the JFK Assassination: ‘No Miranda Rule, No PR People’ by  Eleanor Clift     Nov 7, 2013 5:45 AM EST  Fifty years on, journalists who were in Dallas that day, from Bob Schieffer to Jim Lehrer, recall the shock of the news, getting a call from Mrs. Oswald, and questioning the assas[...]

November 18th, 2013 - 11:03 am § in Jews, Misc.

Buchenwald 9: They still live: Holocaust survivors

Huffington Post Interviews survivors.    [...]

November 17th, 2013 - 1:46 am § in America, Hypocrisy, Jews, Politics

Jewish Repricans Gone Wild

Ben Stein: Obama Making ‘Annihilation’ of Jews Possible Ben, sadly is not alone.  A relative of mine says similar things.  This relative is an orthodox Jew and politically more than a bit of a nihilist … he denies being a Reprican  and likely did not vote for Romney.  At the sa[...]

November 16th, 2013 - 9:37 am § in Misc.

How Can Rational People Live in Tea Party States?

South Carolina: Poor Lindsey Graham.  The guy is one of the few rational people left in the Republican party.  He is not a Reprican. But, he is the Senator from South Carolina.  Now, facing the charge of being a “Republican in Name Only” (RINO) poster child, the 58-year-old Lindsey�[...]

November 14th, 2013 - 4:44 am § in Hypocrisy

Buchenwald 8: The connection to Hogan’s Heroes

I ran across this today on a German blog about Hogan’s heros.: Robert Clary verkörperte Corporal Louis LeBeau, einen französischen Gefangenen im Stalag 13. Später war Clary unter anderem in dem Katastrophenfilm Die Hindenburg zu sehen. Nachdem seine Frau starb, zog er sich 2001 endgültig v[...]

November 13th, 2013 - 11:25 am § in Misc.

Should Justice Breyer have to “come out?”

Recently, Justice Stephen Breyer seemed to mention that he has no religious affiliation.  Breyer. like most Jewish people  grew up in a Jewish household that did not observe the faith strictly. His daughter, Chloe Breyer, is an Episcopal priest.  Judaism itself, unlike Islam and Christianity ha[...]

November 12th, 2013 - 1:06 pm § in Misc.

The Friendly Atheist

Dan Barker, USA’s leading Atheist and founder of the Freedom From Religion Foundation, debates Hamza Andreas Tzortzis on which is more rational, Islam or Atheism. His lesson has meaning for folks like my own brother who somehow see Judaism and Atherism as antagonists. CLICK TO LISTEN[...]

November 10th, 2013 - 4:46 am § in Jews, Misc.

What is a mitzvah?

Why Are Jews So Different? My niece will soon go to the front of her congregation to read from the Torah.  This is the act by which she will become a bat Mitzvah .. daughter of the law, a Jew entitled to lead other Jews in reading about our laws and history. I hope she […][...]

November 9th, 2013 - 4:56 am § in Jews, Misc.

BUCHENWALD 7: Kristallnacht when the Nazis began feeding the monstrosity at Buchenwald

From Wikipedia and USHMM 1938, in the aftermath of Kristallnacht, German SS and police sent almost 10,000 Jews to Buchenwald where the camp authorities subjected them to extraordinarily cruel treatment upon arrival. 255 of them died as a result of their initial mistreatment at the camp. This refle[...]