Posts Tagged ‘SMS family’
The Healer … a wife?
Isn’t This Gif Awesome? It reminds me of the frustrations of resolving feuds … whether they are personal or huge scale diplomatic issues. This image could be an attorney trying to get the parties to work together or a diplomat talking with the Israelis and the Palestinians. Is this heale[...]
The Public View of Psychiatry
The sad thing about this cartoon is that it is an apt image of how the public sees psychiatry. I understood why anyone with these views would as be afraid of getting help as some fundamentalist would be of being vaccinated to avoid God’s will. Before we had Skinner’s scientific metho[...]
Responding to an email complaint
A relative who lives in South Carolina has complained that posts here about that state are unfair My reply: As for posts about SC, they really are nothing new. Like many here in Seattle I have been angry that Boeing moved its assembly plant to avoid paying skilled workers a fair wage and becaus[...]
North America to Drown in Oil as Mexico Ends Monopoly
Confession: We Own a Boat! A few years ago, faced with 3 gallons of gasoline per mile. we upgraded the Aquila to diesels. That cots us tens of thousands of dollars but … aside form safety issues … it was nice to get three miles to the gallon instead of three gallons to the mile […[...]
Buchenwald 13: The beginning, the monster gets fed.
From Wikipedia and USHMM 1938, in the aftermath of Kristallnacht, German SS and police sent almost 10,000 Jews to Buchenwald where the camp authorities subjected them to extraordinarily cruel treatment upon arrival. 255 of them died as a result of their initial mistreatment at the camp. This reflect[...]
Banned in Boston
When I was a kid in Boston, the Watch and Ward Society was very real. Seems surreal now! I remember at Boys Latin getting a list of the books banned by the Watch and Ward society ,,,, now it look like a pretty good list of books to buy for your favorite niece as she […][...]
Family Feuds; of North Koreans and Jews
Can Jewish History Say Anything About What is Happening in North Korea? parts of my essay originated from a wonderful essay posted in the Jerusalem Post by Berel Wein It is important to understand the horrible long term consequences such a contemporary fight can have. The story of Joseph̵[...]