A. Stephen M. Schwartz B. William Quick (Steve’s Brother in Law) C. Hugh Schwartz (Steve’s Brother) D. Robert Schwartz (Steve’s Father) E. Lawrence Belascio (Steve’s Cousin)[...]
Posts Tagged ‘SMS family’
Buchenwald 26: Jews still segregated after Buchenwald liberated
Today is one month before April 19, 1945, 11 days after my father entered Buchenwald to give medical care. The camp had already been liberated by communist political prisoners before any allied forces arrived. Even after the camp was officially liberated by US forces, Jews were still segregat[...]
30 Days Till Passover
Today is the first day of Purim and the 30th day before Passover. Why do I say “day?” Jewish days begin at sundown, so today is Purim, but it began last night. We are also 30 days before Passover, two holidays that could nto be more different than anything in the dominant Christian cu[...]
WHAT THE HELL IS PURIM? AND WHY TODAY? Go to a synagogue on March 15, the normal day for Purim and (if you are goyishe) you will think its a mix of Halloween and Mardi Gras .. kids trying to get candy from the rabbi,* lots of noise, adults dressed in stupefying costumes. Purim officially […[...]
Letter from South Carolina
This letter serves as formal notification that we wish you to immediately cease all writing on your blog about either of us or about the State of South Carolina where we reside. The tone and frequency of your communications are intolerable and we consider them to be harassment. We have previously [...]
DIC … the D is for diabetes and the industrial complex.
The Diabetes-Industrial Complex As with the companies that profit from the “military industrial complex,” companies like Novo Nordisk, Amylin Pharmaceuticals, Eli Lilly and Johnson & Johnson com are only the biggest and most visible parts of the vast “diabetes ind[...]
BUCHENWALD 25: Buchenwald Survivors as of 2013
Last year, 2013, Reuters photographer Lisi Niesner interviewed some of the remaining survivors as they returned to Buchenwald to mark the , 68 years later anniversary of the liberation. We are now one month from the anniversary of Robert Schwartz Entering the camp and my brother, Hugh Schwartz, s[...]
Legal Thuggery in South Carolina
Attorney who extorted $1 million from clients gets 63 months in prison, Claims Bad Heart as Defense This horrific story of attorney abuse is all too typical of the real world where attorneys get away with thuggery by making threats. How many of you have received threats from an attorney claiming th[...]