WHAT THE HELL IS PURIM? AND WHY TODAY?  Go to a synagogue on March 15, the normal day for Purim and (if you are goyishe) you will think its a mix of Halloween and Mardi Gras .. kids trying to get candy from the rabbi,* lots of noise, adults dressed in stupefying costumes.

Purim officially celebrates the triumph of Queen Esther who became the love rof King Ashueros and seduced him into not killing the Jews of Babylon. 




*One memory, as a kid.  With my colleagues, I snuck into Adas Israel and found the rabbi’s stash.  Later we found out he was gay though this only would make sense if I could remember what sort of costume he wore, but then we did find his closet where kept the candy secret.  We found it.  We gorged ourselves. 

I have no idea of what happened later but when the adults found out the rabbis was gay he disappeared!

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