Right wing blog, RedState, reports that its now getting one anti-GOP email for every one anti-Democrat email. That has never happened before. All these polls showing America hates the GOP are accurate. Even Republicans hate the GOP and the GOP might have to learn that the hard way in 2014 p[...]
Posts Tagged ‘rhetoric’
Reprican Wonderland: Cruz and Palin
Visit NBCNews.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy[...]
The AVE Scene: Chittendon Locks Closed Down By Republican Terrorists
The Constitution dictates that all navigable waters must be kept open, BUT it says nothing about letting tourists and citizens see the boats going through those waterways. So we drove by there today … CLOSED BY ORDER OF THE REPUBLICAN TEA PARTY![...]
BREAKING NEWS: Tea Party Forces Continue Siege on Government
Paul Ryan Rallies Conservatives To Continue Shutdown, Block Debt Ceiling Deal[...]
Paranoid Neurosis Comes to Politics
Ted Cruz Poll: GOP Gaining Ground From Obamacare Fight Donald Trump: ‘I’m a Believer in the Tea Party’ Billionaire real estate developer Donald Trump says he likes what Sen. [Full Story] Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com http://www.newsmax.com/#ixzz2hTwhPsIu Urgent:[...]
Shutting Down Amerika
Obama will not negotiate “with people with a bomb strapped to their chest’ Politico: Shut down the government! Blow through the debt ceiling! Subject the United States to fiscal chaos or financial ruin if your party can’t get its way on unrelated ideological priorities! With apologies to N[...]
One country in Asia is a regular source of problems. …The Philipines?
Causing trouble in the S. China Sea will hurt Manila (People’s Daily Online) One country in Asia is a regular source of problems. One might ask whether it fears being overlooked. That country is the Philippines. Playing hardball with China On July 15 a spokesperson from the Philippine Departme[...]
APPLESAUCE: Rush loves Apple, disses Android, forgets Microsoft
CNET News Crave Crave Woman buys two iPhones for $1,300, gets only apples (really) The depths which humanity can plumb would fit a whole synchronized swimming team, each member standing on the next’s shoulders. This is just one more piece of evidence. Please imagine the essential goodness of a[...]