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Posts Tagged ‘Republicans’
Jewish Repricans Gone Wild
Ben Stein: Obama Making ‘Annihilation’ of Jews Possible Ben, sadly is not alone. A relative of mine says similar things. This relative is an orthodox Jew and politically more than a bit of a nihilist … he denies being a Reprican and likely did not vote for Romney. At the sa[...]
Science Denial Aids County Budget
King County snowplows to be scarce this winter The county will plow only 10 percent of its road miles this winter, a casualty of a decline in the county roads budget.[...]
Eid Mubrarak: The Caliphate: a golden age
The feared caliphate: Is this what the West fears? This is the historic extent of the last caliphate .. before the Turkish conquest. Moreover … note the final version .. th Abassid. This regime existed in what the West calls its Dark Ages … but in truth it was a golden age of learni[...]
What will Washington’s DEMOCRATS Do About Cruz?
The far right of the Republican party, what I call the Repricans, refer to moderate Republicans as Rhinos. After Crus, it seems to me the Dems need to make that label stick! Two Washington Republican Congressmen (the Repricans still have not figured out the gender issue) live and run in districts[...]
Ted Cruz Declares Victory! Only cost $24 billion dollars and about 1% of the GDP.
“I think we’ve seen a remarkable thing happen. We saw, first of all, millions upon millions of Americans rise up all over this country, over 2 million people signing a national petition to defund Obamacare. We saw the House of Representatives take a courageous stand listening to the Amer[...]
BREAKING NEWS: Washington GOPer Belatedly Accepts Reality
At he last possible moment Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler (R-Wash.) wants an end to the shutdown and lift the debt limit. Last night, Rep. Herrera panicked. She broke ranks from \ calling on her party to give up hope of blocking Obamacare in the budget fight. “It’s time for my colleagues to[...]
BREAKING NEWS: GOP Revolting Even to Itself
previous page House cancels vote on plan to reopen government Washington Post: The influential conservative group Heritage Action also opposed the House proposal soon after it was announced, and conservatives close to the House leadership expressed alarm that they had shut down the government and wo[...]
Tea Party Rejects GOP
Right wing blog, RedState, reports that its now getting one anti-GOP email for every one anti-Democrat email. That has never happened before. All these polls showing America hates the GOP are accurate. Even Republicans hate the GOP and the GOP might have to learn that the hard way in 2014 p[...]
Median wage falls to lowest level since 1998
What is a “Median” and What is an “Average” Al Jazeera is the first news organization to report these figures from the Social Security Administration (SSA), which were released late in October. They report that the median wage was at its lowest level since 1998, when the me[...]