Posts Tagged ‘Misc.’
Islam and Jazz
Why So Many Jazz Musicians Converted to a Heretical Form of Islam[...]
PRESIDENT ROMNEY: First Commercial of Reelection Campaign
ROMNEY RYAN 2016 releases first commercial of re election campaign ;[...]
130th Anniverary of Birth of The Inventor of the Bra
(Haaretz) — January 9, 1886, is the birthdate of Ida Cohen Rosenthal Ida Kaganovich was born 130 years ago in Belarus. Her father, Abraham Kaganovich, was a Torah scholar; her mother, the former Sarah Shapiro, ran a grocery. After some time studying in Warsaw, as a teenager Ida returned to Rakaw,[...]
Happy Elvis Day in Spokane
(Spokesman Review) (excerpted)Spokane’s own Ben Klein, one of the world’s foremost Elvis tribute artists, gets immersed into Elvisin a soft drawl and affecting the requisite lip curl. “Thenkya vurry much.” Three years ago Klein’s Elvis Presley Enterprises-sponsored bus tour wit[...]
SUNDAY REVELATIONS: Why the Jews were chosen
God: A major reason I chose the Jews is that these folks INVENTED the first vowels and used them to spell my name. Those letters were יֱהֹוִה Of course this is not the original spelling since the Jews adopted the Aramaic alphabet 2500 years ago. In any case, 4 vowels do not make anyth[...]