Posts Tagged ‘Glen Beck’

January 24th, 2011 - 10:39 am § in America

Talk Show Host Takes Over the Republican Party of Washington

The sad fate of the Republican Party now seems sealed, at least in WA state.  Kirby Wilbur, a rabid right wing ideologue of the Beck/Limbaugh school, is now the head of the state committee. Hasn’t the time come for the remnant or rationality in the Republican party to call for something else?[...]

January 18th, 2011 - 1:31 pm § in Schools & Colleges

Guns on Campus

Some months ago I went to a Beck rally armed with faux pellet guns .. gifts to the crown, intended to make a point.  I was taken seriously by the Beckies, even invited in (at their cost) to hear the great man speak. But some gun totin liberal friends, including faculty colleagues, tried to scare [&[...]

January 12th, 2011 - 12:01 am § in Politics

Free speech: it’s good business

Usually Michael Hood at Blatherwatch writes about radio  in Seattle, with an emphasis on talk radio.  Today,  Michael (clicking on Rush  will being you to Michael’s blog)  writes about the shameful way the talkers on hate radio are behaving. I have copied his text whole here because he do[...]

January 10th, 2011 - 11:02 pm § in Politics, Religion

More on Hate Rhetoric from Berkely Blog

Listening to the carrion worms of Fox tonight and to liberals insisting on balance  …… Among the evasions of the Fox right, has been the claim that their rhetoric had nothing to do with the Arizona massacre.  They claim to be fair and balanced.  Yet, somehow, the violence we have seen[...]

November 17th, 2010 - 8:59 am § in Politics, Religion

Obama, the Failed Professor?

I would like to suggest that our national problems have a strong message about the failures of American education. President Obama’s policies, given the challenges we face, have been outstanding, but his ability to teach Americans why these things need to be done has been abysmal. I say “[...]

August 26th, 2010 - 9:37 am § in Politics, Religion, Science, The Ave Scene

Glenn Beck’s Profanity

As a very patriotic American I take personal offense at the rally Glen Beck is leading this Saturday at a truly hallowed place, the Lincoln Memorial. Worse, this is the anniversary of the I have a Dream Speech. SHAME, SHAME, SHAME A petition to express outrage. Is this where America is going?[...]

July 6th, 2010 - 8:59 am § in America, Politics, Schools & Colleges

Glenn Beck: Founder of Beck University

From Huffington “Beck University is a unique academic experience bringing together experts in the fields of religion, American history and economics. Through captivating lectures and interactive online discussions, these experts will explore the concepts of Faith, Hope and Charity and show you[...]

June 13th, 2010 - 10:21 pm § in America, Misc.

The Other Football.

BECK: I don’t get the baseball thing, but the soccer thing, I hate it so much — probably because the rest of the world likes it so much, and they riot over it, and they continually try to jam it down our throat.”[...]