Posts Tagged ‘free speech’

March 11th, 2011 - 10:01 am § in America, Misc., Politics, UW

SRO Crowd Reclaims Democracy for Real People

SEATTLE, March 11 -- Last night a SRO crowd flocked to UW's Kane Hall to brainstorm strategy and tactics in the fight against the legal fiction of corporate personhood underpinning the CITIZENS decision. Titled After Citizens United: Reclaiming Democracy for PEOPLE, the event was sponsored by Washin[...]

March 10th, 2011 - 8:29 am § in America, Christianity, Hypocrisy, Politics

Florida’s Repricans* have come to the defense of the Bill of Rights!

Sen. Alan Hays of Florida :“I filed a bill that says in the courts of Florida the laws of no other country can be used to influence the decisions of Florida,. If it’s Sharia law or any other law — I don’t care what law it is — if it’s not a Florida law and [&helli[...]

March 3rd, 2011 - 7:25 am § in Schools & Colleges

Free Speech Win in US Supreme Court 8:1

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that the First Amendment protects fundamentalist church members who mount anti-gay protests outside military funerals, despite the pain they cause grieving families. Ed. This is a central ruling for those of us devoted to the Frirst Amendment.  While[...]

February 25th, 2011 - 11:12 am § in America, Politics

A Wonderful Human Just Died

Lynn Allen, R.I.P. by Goldy, 02/24/2011, 10:26 PM … cross posted from HorsesAss Lynn Allen was one of the first political bloggers I met, way back when the local liberal blogosphere was just taking shape, and while she may not have been one of the best known or most read, within our community [...]

February 20th, 2011 - 12:30 pm § in America, Politics, Schools & Colleges

(Bad) history in the making in Wisconsin?

Georgetown doctoral candidate Stephanie Taylor’s commentary on Salon provides necessary historical perspective on the governor’s move: This would be the first time in nearly 80 years that the National Guard would be used to break a strike by Wisconsin workers, and the first time in over 40 years[...]

February 7th, 2011 - 2:59 am § in Uncategorized


Where does this sad event lead? Are we headed to some sort of bicameral, corporatist 1984 where Big Brother and Big Sister compete for our interest .. and votes ….by spin from the right and spi9n from the left? Are we headed to an era where Democrat and Republican are corporate brand names [...]

February 2nd, 2011 - 10:33 am § in America, Politics

FOX attacks Al Jazeera

Watch the latest video at Everyone of O’Reilly’s quotes show NOT that the Qatar based news channel is biased but that Al Jazeera actually reports what happens. If some crazed ex internee talks wildly about being hexed in Gitmo by Jews and witches, is that something we d[...]

January 27th, 2011 - 9:43 am § in Uncategorized

Can the US export free speech when it creates branch campuses in repressive societies?

As an admirer of Korean society I find this exciting.  Korea is creating a campus for multiple universities at Inchon. The idea is to offer something like an industrial park with shared facilities to schools wishing to have a presence in South Korea.  These schools will work with Korean Universiti[...]

January 20th, 2011 - 9:14 am § in Uncategorized

Berkeley Chancellor on Campus Violence

Recently the AAUP listserv has run a serious of emails from faculty upset by students involved in a game called “Humans and Zombies.” Apparently, students involved in the game stalk each other on campus and shoot each other with pellet guns that look realistic except for an orange tip on[...]

January 18th, 2011 - 7:01 pm § in Uncategorized

Censored: Fire in my Belly by David Wojnarowicz

Pulled From Smithsonian at Request of Republican Leaders[...]