A Wonderful Human Just Died

by Goldy, 02/24/2011, 10:26 PM … cross posted from HorsesAss

lynnallenLynn Allen was one of the first political bloggers I met, way back when the local liberal blogosphere was just taking shape, and while she may not have been one of the best known or most read, within our community she was certainly one of the most loved, often playing the role of den mother to our group of rowdy children.

Lynn died today at the age of 63, after a brief battle with ovarian cancer.

Politics is a mean, nasty, vicious business. But cancer is meaner.

Steve:  This is very difficult for me as well.  Barbara and I have found the blogger community brought together by Lynn, David and others a wonderful family.  Lynn, was one of those people we learned the most from.  Her own blog, Rebuilding Democracy, is a great example of the power of free speech offered by this new medium.

We have a new granddaughter, her parents actually met through that community.  Tonight, with our grand daughter present, we will say the Shabbat prayers and wish Lynn peace.

Read more about this great person here.

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  1. LEGO #

    Michael Hood, a blogger at HorsesAss, lauds Lynn by calling her a “certified adult.” I am not sure what “certified” means nor do I actually think that “adult” is a very good term for people like Lynn .. at least given the behavior we see today by Tea Baggers like Glen Beck or some of our own “adult but puerile” contributors here.

    There is, however, a word in Yiddish and a related word in many Native American languages. The Yiddish word is “mensch.” A mench, or a “human” in native languages, is more than just a person.

    The Yiddish term, likeits Native American equivalents, is tribal in the sense that it identifies a person who epitomizes what the tribe, or people, would like to be. A mensch does not need to be one of the people, but must be a great example to all people.

    My Mom was a mensch.
    MLK was a mensch.
    Michelle Obama is a mensch.
    Jesus, at least the version some Christians see, was a mensch.
    Even Republicans used to be “menschen.” Dan Evans and Ed Brooke were both “mensches,” in their day.

    Lynn was a mensch.

    Shabbat Shalom.