Now we know that the design part of intelligent design is true … the problem is the design is unintelligent. One of the most common bits of nonsense from the creationists and ID folk is the claim that there are no missing links. They suggest that species arise all of suggen by the Intelligen[...]
Posts Tagged ‘creationism’
Genesis: Origins of Us
from PZ Myers Pharyngula Origin stories are common to all religions. The real story, seen through science, is even more wonderful! For those who do not remember high school biology, “life” is defined by the creation of cells .. bags of stuff that are able to replicate themselves. Th[...]
Ardipithecus and the research university
from the Berkeley Blog Kevin Padian, professor of paleontology and evolutionary biology at Berkeley (and a cousin of mine) has previoulsy spoken out against the farce of intelligent design, earning him an ironic comparison to Archie Bunker (click on image). His post in the Berkeley Blog addresses a [...]
Missing Link Found! Neanderthals Persist and Believe in Creationism!
The tip of a girl’s ’s finger from a cave in Siberia’s Altai Mountains says the neanderthal genome lives on! see Nature Now what will our friends the creationists do? and what is there about the French and the Han having a common ancestor? In the meantime: “PRINCETON, NJ — Four[...]
Kiss My Tush?
from PZ Myer’s Pharyngula: “Funny business, this. Professor John McLachlan corresponded with the organizers of an international conference on integrative medicine, proposing some very peculiar ideas that he wanted to present. They were…intrigued. They asked him to flesh out his concept[...]
Glenn Beck’s Profanity
As a very patriotic American I take personal offense at the rally Glen Beck is leading this Saturday at a truly hallowed place, the Lincoln Memorial. Worse, this is the anniversary of the I have a Dream Speech. SHAME, SHAME, SHAME A petition to express outrage. Is this where America is going?[...]
May God Protect Science from the Radical Religous Right
How is this for a scary story? Imagine that the same radical religious right that sponsors the Tea Party and Glenn Beck decided to fund a scientific research company, for profit, to develop drugs that fit the right’s ethical agenda? That company exists, and it exists here in Seattle, an outgro[...]
‘We Don’t Need Any More Neanderthals on the Planet’ .. Craig Venter
Quotes from an interview with his brilliance, Craig Ventener (der Spiegel): (referring to CV) “a single person comes along and beats scientists who have been working on it for years. It is no wonder they didn’t like that.” ————————[...]