Posts Tagged ‘corruption’

December 20th, 2020 - 11:36 am § in Donald Trump, Politics

Bolton “appalled” by Flynn’s call for martial law to overturn election (video)

John Bolton (bio here), a notorious Republican warmonger who dodged the Vietnam draft, and years later under G.W. Bush was “the most controversial ambassador ever sent by America to the United Nations,” and more recently signed up to be Trump’s national security adviser and then tr[...]

December 9th, 2020 - 9:39 pm § in Donald Trump, Politics

IG slams Veterans Affairs boss’ quest for “damaging information” on sexual assault victim

The Department of Veterans Affairs inspector general “told prosecutors this fall that his investigation of VA Secretary Robert Wilkie had turned up possible criminal conduct,” CNN reported on Wednesday, December 9, 2020 (here), citing reporting by the Washington Post (here). Wilkie (pho[...]

December 8th, 2020 - 8:08 pm § in Donald Trump, Politics

Why Trump failed at governing

“It’s the economy, stupid,” James Carville, Bill Clinton’s campaign manager, offered as explanation of a rare defeat of an incumbent president in 1992. Three presidents and 24 years later, frustrated by the slow recovery after the Great Recession, some voters thought “a[...]

November 26th, 2020 - 12:45 pm § in Donald Trump, Politics

Why the Flynn pardon is a corrupt abuse of power

Best way to get a Trump pardon? By lying to protect him, and committing a crime in the process. Trump is arguably the most self-centered person on the planet over age two. He does nothing for anyone except himself (and, possibly, his immediate family, within limits) unless there’s something in[...]

November 7th, 2020 - 12:22 pm § in Donald Trump, Politics

The many ways Trump hijacked public resources to help his campaign

“Trump used the White House both for the Republican National Convention ― even hosting a televised naturalization ceremony with the help of the Department of Homeland Security ― and as his final war room on election night. “Kayleigh McEnany, his White House press secretary, acted as [...]

September 14th, 2020 - 10:26 pm § in Politics

Will federal employees send my Christmas cards, too?

This article contains news and sarcastic liberal commentary. “Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s wife asked State Department staff to help send personal family Christmas cards,” CNN reported on Monday, September 14, 2020. Toni Porter, an aide, told the House Foreign Affairs Committee[...]

September 14th, 2020 - 4:05 pm § in Donald Trump, Politics, Russia

Trump aide laughably warns of “leftist insurrection”

This article is news and liberal commentary. Which is almost amusing, because rightwing extremists have most of the AR-15s in circulation in this country. Also, consider the source, the notorious Michael Caputo (photo at right), a Roger Stone protege, whose ties to Russia were “so concerning&#[...]

September 12th, 2020 - 1:53 am § in Donald Trump, Politics


ICE sickened hundreds of immigrant detainees to provide muscle for Trump’s D.C. photo-op. This photo gave over 300 ICE detainees Covid-19. The explanation is complicated. To get the photo, Trump’s aides had to clear away peaceful protesters. The D.C. mayor wouldn’t do it with local[...]

September 10th, 2020 - 8:52 pm § in Hypocrisy, Politics

Trump official wasted taxpayer $$$millions on image burnishing

This article is news with liberal commentary. Trump’s top Medicaid official, Seema Verma, paid consultants at least $3.5 million of taxpayer money for anti-Obamacare messaging and polishing her image, Newsweek reported on September 10, 2020. The money was used to get her on panels, podcasts, T[...]

September 4th, 2020 - 4:31 pm § in Donald Trump, Politics

Postal police block a Democratic congresswoman from seeing unprocessed mail

Postal police blocked a Democrat om the House Oversight Committee, which is investigating Trump’s postmaster for slowing mail ahead of the election, from two Florida mail sorting facilities where employees say mail sits in bins. The congresswoman, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, wanted to inspe[...]