Revlon CEO rips blacks, Jews, hates ‘dirty’ Americans: suit By Leonard Greene (NY POST) The CEO of Revlon is a bigoted bully who hates “dirty” Americans, thinks Jews “stick together” and believes he can “smell” black people when they walk into a room, according to a new lawsuit. The[...]
Posts Tagged ‘bigotry’
REVLON”S CEO “hates living among Americans” … Jews and Blacks and the rest of the dirty Americans.
A Muslim Radical Meets A Radical Republican, Both Play Games.
BLACK RACISM on Facebook
A Response to a comment on Face Book. After Charlie James posted a piece that asserted that Moses and Jesus were “Black,” corrected this and then had the displeasure of an onslaught of racism .. black racism. Charlie You know how much I admire you for your life long efforts at fightin[...]
Glad to live in WASTATE
I am very happy to live here rather than in the former confederacy. A state like South Carolina where some of my own family chose to live, disgusts me. Still, before getting too happy let me point out that our own state has a very racist history. When my wife and I moved here the Indian Fi[...]
How White Men Count Coup. Part 2.
The Swifts Find Wives A few months ago I related the odd story of Will and Tom Swift, twin brothers greatly divided by the effects of their father’s death. Will became “The Great Avenger,” determined to kill as many Indians as he could in revenge for the death of father Swift at the hands of [...]
The minister was white.
Two Racist Videos A good friend told me that he visited a Black church last Sunday. There was guest speaker … an visiting minister. The speaker used the Bible to castigate (I want to say denigrate) the dirty Jews .. echoing the teachings celebrated at Oberammergau. The visiting monster[...]
SOUTH CAROLINA: Racism is our proud heritage!
SC Governor On Confederate Flag: CEOs Don’t Care Other notable “we elected the first African American Senator” … Really? someone needs to tell Ed Brooke. I am proud to have campaigned for Senator Brooke, an African American and a Republican, when he was elected in 1966. Mr [...]
Someone Ought to Tell Netanyahu That Obama Isn’t a Nigger
White House fumes at PM’s ‘American values’ statement that echoes malicious rhetoric of birthers and other crazy Obama-haters. :”Just try to imagine the mortified mayhem that would break out if Obama had retorted that construction in East Jerusalem that could kill off the moribun[...]
Racism and terror are hardly unique to ISIS. Christian terrorism is alive and well today in Africa.
Tens of thousands of Muslims flee Christian militias in Central African Republic If Christianity and Islam have turned black people into mass murderers we need to go back to our traditional religions. This is not working. Read about Christianity in Uganda[...]