So, no Guy Alster, I am not a capo. FACEBOOK: Marty Cohen Mr schwarts, you are obviously anti israel, for whatever demented reason you may conjure. KNOW this, YOU WILL Get YOUR JUST rewards WHEN THE MOSHIACH cones. Guy Alster Every time I encounter kapo style Jews like Stephen Schwartz I ask mysel[...]
Posts Tagged ‘Bad Jews’
Of Jews and Race
The idea that Jews are “white” is racist and deeply offensive to me. I grew up as a Jew in a very antisemitic part of Boston. After my Dad returned from his service in WWII Germany, his life was threatened by toughs. I still treasure the German “head breaker” cane he [...]
SUNDAY REVELATIONS: A Passover 5775 Conversation About Antisemitism
FACEBOOK: Benjamin Donguk Lukoff Why the Jews? There has to be something to do with Judaism being the forerunner of the religion of how many billion people? Didn’t Zeus kill Kronos? Gregory C. Eaves Sure, I realize all societies are dumb enough to create an Other. Like race or sexuality, [...]
In Defense of Confederate and Nazi License Plates
Ilya Shapiro is traditional Jewish liberal lawyer, what I now call a lace curtain liberal yid, who puts his own interests and the law in the way of justice. These talented individuals remind me of a relative of mine, a corporate attorney, who once explained to me that in her job the truth did not[...]
Jews who are a Shanda to the Jewish community
Madoff, aside from the damage he did to many individuals, devastated a large number of Jewish charities.[...]