Posts Tagged ‘antisemitism’

February 8th, 2016 - 11:36 am § in Misc.

Antisemitism .. Malaysian Style

“… Blaming Jews for all manner of machinations, crimes, and failures is a normal part of Malaysian politics, even though very few of the country’s citizens have ever laid eyes on a Jew.” How Malaysia Became One of the Most Anti-Semitic Countries on Earth A dispatch from the major[...]

February 5th, 2016 - 4:26 pm § in Misc.

Jew Lives Matter Too!

David E. Bernstein of the Washington Post has reposted a very disturbing email by Isabel Storch Sherrell, an alum of the prestigious liberal arts college.  Isabel Storch Sherrell WARNING: RANT ALERT I don’t want to make it seem like i hated my time at Oberlin. it was a mixed bag and i got a[...]

January 5th, 2016 - 10:17 am § in Misc.

FACEBOOK: The bigots raise their ugly heads

Brent Heska refuses to look in the mirror, Jews are full of excuses and are very sick, they hate on such a high level it is impossible for them to see out of it. Jewish people only like themselves and what is exactly like them. I challenge any non Jew to go to a synagogue […][...]

December 30th, 2015 - 12:09 am § in Misc.

The Nazis Are Still Here in WASTATE

Jewish temple in Olympia vandalized with swastika A statue outside Olympia’s Temple Beth Hatfiloh was vandalized with a spray-painted swastika sometime Monday night or early Tuesday. THEOLYMPIAN.COM[...]

December 20th, 2015 - 11:37 am § in Christianity, Misc.

A CHRISTIAN Responds to Christmas: “A Jew sinner at that. “

Christopher Hansen  (FACEBOOK) If you keep spamming my posts I will remove you from my posts. Sinner. A Jew sinner at that. Your people wouldn’t even exist had not God saved them so many times. All praise to the God of your fathers. Whom you should also worship and fear.[...]

December 20th, 2015 - 1:10 am § in Jews, Misc.

SUNDAY REVELATIONS: Vatican tells Catholics not to attempt to convert Jews

Catholics should no longer evangelize  Jews.  How Jews can be saved while not believing in Christ “remains an unfathomable mystery in the salvific plan of God.” Pope Francis’s Vatican has issues a a major new document that draws the church further away from the strained relations of t[...]

December 18th, 2015 - 1:22 am § in Jews, Misc.

BUCHENWALD 85: As we go back to court to liberate my Dad’s photographs from Buchenwald, Poland Turns Hard to Right , Jews Wind Up Again in The Crosshairs Of Polish Antisemtism

Next Monday my family will be back in court.  While my brother and sister are fighting to prevent my father’s pictures from Buchenwald becoming public, the pictures are fading and the remaining survivors will soon all be dead. Perhaps Hugh and Stephanie do not understand how ephemeral such p[...]

December 10th, 2015 - 10:38 am § in Misc.

Atheism Christian Style

So many American and European intellectuals claim to be atheists. Yet, when, as a Jew, I ask them about holidays .. they all celebrate Easter with its ham and Christmas with its wonderful music evoking the birth of (their?) god. Of course, this is “just” cultural.  But many of these at[...]

December 9th, 2015 - 8:22 pm § in Christianity, Religion, The Ave Scene


Hmmmm … no Jewish deities in that list? Why is the list so important at Hanukkah time? After 2000 years of forced conversion, burning our books, and burning us at the stake …. Christians want to tell us he was a Jew and is OUR messiah? The worst of this is when  we celebrate Hanukkah a[...]