Posts Tagged ‘antisemitism’

June 7th, 2013 - 9:10 am § in Misc.

Norwegian Newspaper spouts blood libel against Jews!

Dagbladet in Norwat has published a blatantly antisemitic cartoon about circumcision. The cartoon shows a massive wire clipper amutating a bay’s penis while blood flies and the police defer out of respect for custom.  The baby’s mother stands beside him holding a blood-drenched spanner.[...]

May 7th, 2013 - 8:21 am § in Misc.

BREAKING NEWS: Jews Responsible for Hungary’s Economic Woes!

Anti-Semitism ‘on the rise’ across Europe Hungary’s prime minister has told an international assembly of Jews that anti-Semitism was on the rise both in Europe and Hungary, attributing it partly to the economic crisis affecting the region. Readmore[...]

April 22nd, 2013 - 12:58 pm § in Misc.

How POverty Is Transforming Greece

Stefanoudaki certainly misses what money used to buy, but even more than that, she says she longs for the peace of mind that her salary once provided.  “I am in a constant battle with myself.  I’m tired. I’m stressed. I miss being calm. I want to daydream about things I will do in the future[...]

March 11th, 2013 - 4:53 am § in Religion, Schools & Colleges

Antisemitism hits Harvard

Jewish Harvard Students Receive Mock Eviction Notices Jewish students at Harvard University receive mock eviction notices in light of “Israel Apartheid Week.” Is this antisemitism?  Imagine all Asian students getting this notice next time a Tibetan is immolated.  Or imagine all Catholic Studen[...]

January 29th, 2013 - 4:01 am § in Misc.

BREAKING NEWS: Iran launches monkey into space, send rocket launchers to Yemen, wants peace.

Iran announced yesterday that they had launched a monkey into space.  The Defense Ministry said the space launch of the monkey coincided “with the days of” the Prophet Mohammad’s birthday, which was last week’ The small grey monkey was pictured strapped into a padded seat and being load[...]

November 19th, 2012 - 7:39 pm § in Misc.

BREAKING NEWS: Hamas Taunts Israel: Nyahh, Nyahhu, Nyetahhu, Netanyahu,

If you were going to invade, ‘you would have done it’: Hamas head taunts Israel as airstrikes continue GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip — Hamas leader Khaled Meshal remained defiant Monday as Israeli jets pounded targets in Gaza, saying the prospect of a ground war was an empty threat. “If you wanted [...]

November 19th, 2012 - 6:53 pm § in Jews, Misc.

Anti Semitism on a Liberal Blog

Over at HorsesAss, Rob asks whether antisemitism Is this more prevalent among liberals than elsewhere in the population? I’d need some evidence to take that seriously. And if not, why mention it? Rob’s question illustrates the problem. Why should anti-Semitism among Southern Baptists or skin[...]

October 2nd, 2012 - 8:33 pm § in Jews, Misc.

When Hitler was nominated for the Nobel Prize.

(As we celebrate the annual approach of ) the fresh Nobel Peace Prize winners, let us remember for a minute about a great loser of the Nobel Peace Prize, too. “You probably know” – said in 1995 Gustav Hendrikssen, emeritus professor of the University of Uppsala – “that immediately after th[...]

September 16th, 2012 - 5:02 am § in America, Jews

SUNDAY REVELATIONS: The right to circumcision

Berlin, Germany – Protestors In Berlin Rally Against Circumcision Ruling Today 11:07 AM Berlin, Germany – Some several hundred people, including Jews, Christians and Muslims, took to the streets of Berlin today to protest the ongoing controversy over religious circumcision which began wh[...]

September 16th, 2012 - 1:20 am § in Misc.

SUNDAY REVELATIONS: of Jews and Mormons

The religious values of presidents seldom satisfactorily explain their attitudes toward the Jews.  Franklin Roosevelt’s Episcopalian faith could not have foretold his hard-hearted policies during the Holocaust.  Harry Truman and Jimmy Carter, both Baptists, went in opposite directions, with [...]