Posts Tagged ‘antisemitism’

May 11th, 2014 - 9:30 am § in Jews, Religion

Sunday Revelations: ISLAM from Oxford Pt. 3.

The Terrors of Islam[...]

May 9th, 2014 - 4:14 am § in Jews, Misc.

Buchenwald 45: “If I am not for myself, who is for me?”

The Shanda of Christians Who Abuse the Holocaust:  In the Nazi Era it was Fundamentalist Christians who blocked Roosevelt’s efforts to bring  the Jews here.  Now, these same Christians support Israel, at a terrible price. I came across this ad on the web.  What might $33 buy?  A meal? [...]

May 4th, 2014 - 9:29 am § in Jews, Religion

Sunday Revelations: ISLAM from Oxford Pt. 2.

Outrage Against Islam[...]

April 10th, 2014 - 3:36 pm § in Hypocrisy, Religion

Anti Semitism in Sweden

The graffiti on the Vasa Real school’s facade in central Stockholm. Photo: Private Jewish kids face Nazi graffiti at Swedish school A central Stockholm high school with special classes for Jewish pupils was covered in Nazi graffiti on Monday morning, leaving a parent in tears and fearing the r[...]

April 6th, 2014 - 1:16 am § in America, Hypocrisy, Religion

SUNDAY REVELATIONS: Christian antisemitism

Over at HorsesAss, a commentator states: PUDDY: If you love ANYTHING more than God you are placing an idol in front of God. To sum it up for the HA DUMMOCRETIN God hating morons here… Love God first and He’ll give you all things including that love of your family. SMS replies: Yes, and that [&he[...]

March 21st, 2014 - 9:18 am § in Misc.

BUCHENWALD 27: Iran’s Supreme Leader Profanes Nowruz

(Zorastrian New Year) comes exactly one month before the liberation of Buchenwald.  The date is especially important to me for two reasons. First,  Nowruz has significance most Jews do not know about.  When we went into exile in Babylon, the state religion of Babylon was Zorastrianism.  Many as[...]

February 9th, 2014 - 12:07 pm § in Politics, Religion

UN Refugee Camps Teach Palestinian Kids That They Have a Right to Israel

Who is the wolf that took away our palaces and villas by the sea? The Jews, The Jews![...]

January 7th, 2014 - 3:16 am § in Misc.

American Academics’ Bigotry

In Response to a post at the AAUP by Professor Rafael                                                                       an update to a post from Dec 29. He says (see below) There seems to be a lot of mistaken notions about the [...]

January 4th, 2014 - 4:00 am § in Misc.

Slur of the day: Jew me down!

About a year ago sn Oklahoma lawmaker  tried to laugh off his use of  the phrase  “Jew me down” during a legislative debate. His attempted recovery? “I apologize to the Jews. They’re good small businessmen as well.” The reality is that this sort of thing is built into our culture as in:[...]

December 29th, 2013 - 12:58 pm § in Misc.

TA Awards Medal for Academic Arrogance

    Professor Herman Knowsitall Commemorative Medal for Academic Arrogance   THE Ave Committee on Academic Awards* has awarded its first Knowsitall Award to  the American Studies Association for their position paper in support of the boycott of Israel’s Universities.  The document is[...]