Posts Tagged ‘Alternative Reality Syndrom’

May 12th, 2016 - 1:59 am § in Misc.


  Further evidence of the death of the GOP  was on display, when Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse confronted Fox News host Sean Hannity at the CPAC conference in Maryland. Hannity said Friday on his  radio show that Sasse would instead support Hillary Clinton in November, rather than Trump. Word [...]

March 22nd, 2016 - 9:53 am § in Misc.

The Faux Fox Obsession with Hillary’s Email

  WASHINGTON (AP) — Asked earlier this month whether she’d be indicted over her use of a private email server as secretary of state, Hillary Clinton responded: “It’s not going to happen.” Though Republicans characterized her response as hubris, several legal expert[...]

March 16th, 2016 - 1:50 am § in Donald Trump, Misc.

Why the GOP has become Trump: Alternative Reality Syndrome

There is no mystery about where Trumpism comes from. The roots are in the communist fantasies of Joseph McCarthy who painted Truman’s cabinet as a nest of  Stalin’s buddies and the sophistry of Lee Atwater who, under Nixon,  began the GOP’s turn to an alternative reality where[...]

March 1st, 2016 - 8:55 pm § in Misc.

Trump’s Triumph … the fruits of FOX

While the Republican Party bemoans its fate. they need look no farther than the 4 decades  since Lee Atwood  grafted the KKK and bluedogs of Southern racisms onto Reagan’s flag waving appeal to the working class. The Democratic Party has contributed in its own way too.  Liberal causes .. f[...]

December 16th, 2015 - 11:54 pm § in Misc.

The Alternative Reality of Las Vegas

FACEBOOK: David Neiwert My full report from Las Vegas. I have to say, there’s nothing quite as surreal as surrounding yourself with a roomful of people who live in an alternative universe in which facts simply don’t apply. Gaffney’s ‘Summit’ in Nevada a Nonstop Procession of Extre[...]

January 15th, 2014 - 9:01 am § in America, Hypocrisy


  THE Ave Awards MIT ‘s Professor Richard Lindzen the Knowsitall Award for Academic Arrogance Drudge gleefully reports  that Professor Richard Lindzen  is urging caution in response to a proposal to spend $40,000,000 Massachusetts dollars ameliorating climate change. In their view, Ri[...]

November 17th, 2013 - 1:46 am § in America, Hypocrisy, Jews, Politics

Jewish Repricans Gone Wild

Ben Stein: Obama Making ‘Annihilation’ of Jews Possible Ben, sadly is not alone.  A relative of mine says similar things.  This relative is an orthodox Jew and politically more than a bit of a nihilist … he denies being a Reprican  and likely did not vote for Romney.  At the sa[...]

October 12th, 2012 - 12:47 pm § in Misc.

Biden Ryan … a reality TV show?

This morning’s coverage of the vice presidential debate is distressing. Rather than reviewing a political debate, the media are treating this as a theatrical performance. Trying to be as impartial as I possibly can, this is the debate that I saw. Mr. Ryan repeated the Party’s assorted at[...]

November 28th, 2011 - 5:56 am § in Misc.


It is beginning to look as if Obama has been taking lessons from Muhamed Ali! Remember “rope a dope?”   Ezra Klein at the  WASHINGTON POST makes an amazing point … if the Democrats simply accept the triggers resulting from last weeks Super Committee crash, the result is a deficit[...]

January 3rd, 1942 - 11:04 am § in Misc.

