Posts Tagged ‘Alt News’

March 29th, 2019 - 10:15 am § in Misc.

NNF comes to THE-Ave.US

The Ave is excited to announce that we are now the American host for NNF.  NNF is a Paris based false news site that combines the insight if Fox News, Xinghua, RT, Brieitbart, The Stormer, al Jazeera, Christian Broadcasting, Israel Hayom, Farsi News, etc. etc.  Articles from NNF or these other sou[...]

November 3rd, 2018 - 12:41 am § in Misc.

Castro’s Claims About The CIA Were Correct

THE CIA PLOTTED AGAINST CASTRO AND KENNEDY! When I read Fidel Castro’s  autobiography I was skeptical.  Fidel described what seemed impossible efforts by the CIA to undermine his government.  Worse yet, Fidel suggested that these action of the CIA were done without permission of President [...]

July 8th, 2017 - 3:52 am § in Donald Trump

Did Trump Just Declare the Holocaust Fake News?

By sidestepping Jewish victims of Holocaust, Trump helps Polish government rewrite history The leader of the free world just endorsed the Polish right-wing narrative of innocence and victimhood before, during and after Nazi occupation HAARETZ.COM[...]

June 25th, 2017 - 9:49 am § in Hypocrisy

Alt Truth: Naturopaths spread anti-vaxxer myths

There is growing concern about vaccination rates in Canada. .…. In some parts of (Canada), the vaccination rates have fallen below the level needed to achieve herd immunity.  The reasons for less-than-ideal vaccination rates are complex and multifactorial, but the continued spread of anti-vac[...]