Posts Tagged ‘academic freedom’

November 29th, 2010 - 12:12 am § in Uncategorized

Interview with David Horowitz

The blog College Freedom has an impressive interview with David Horowtiz. For those unaware of Horowtiz, he is definitely more than just an irritant.  He and his organization have used the concept of academic free speech to argue that university curricula are imbalanced because we, the faculty, so [...]

November 22nd, 2010 - 9:13 pm § in Politics

Letter From Regents to AAUP: Misses the Point?

Response to AAUP from Herb Simon, Chair of the Board of Regents. The AAUP had written a letter to the regents expressing concern about the Search and the need to undo damage done by President Emmert to the University’s systems of Governance. (search Aprikyan or search Emmert Coup on this blog)[...]

November 19th, 2010 - 10:26 am § in Misc., Science

Should Academics Pay Money For Their Freedoms?

I recently submitted an article to a Journal that had asked me to write a review. All went well and I was excited about what I had written. Then came the shock. The website of the publisher required me to fill in a form before publication. The form gave me three options. For 3000 euros […][...]

November 5th, 2010 - 10:22 am § in Misc., Politics

Mourning for Our Country

Nov. 10  2010 I mourn the path my country is taking, and the social forces that drive it so.  This, on a cloudless crisp fall day, trees in color, beautiful beyond words.  We expect the seasons to turn. May our country, also. Halstead[...]

November 4th, 2010 - 1:57 am § in Politics, UW

Public Records Laws In The Real World

I want to cover two disparate topics in this article, so the structure of this article is two unrelated discussions, one after the other. Public disclosure laws exist at both the federal and state levels. At the federal level, we have the Freedom of Information Act, commonly referred to as FOIA. In [...]

August 18th, 2010 - 4:10 pm § in America

Why The U.W. And Nike Are A Threat To America’s War In Afghanistan

After discussing with Prof. Schwartz the UW’s relationship with Nike, I feel confident a meritorious argument can be made that the University’s arrangement with Nike is incestuous.  The incest arises from the fact the University’s finance office and its academic departments are first cousins.[...]

August 4th, 2010 - 9:06 am § in Politics

A comment on Chomsky: I am with Jefferson

A comment on Chomsky: Last night at Drinking Liberally, Randolph Fritz was extolling Chomsky as a marker of the extreme left.  In doing this, Randoplph described Chomsky as an anarchist.  This surprised me as I have never equated Chomsky , with either the Ayn Rand crowd or with the made eyed waver[...]

July 5th, 2010 - 10:00 am § in Misc.

The Aprikyan Case

Happenings at the UW: The UW Provost Phyllis Wise dismissed Dr. Andrew Aprikyan from the faculty of the School of Medicine after a seven year long investigation.  This action was taken despite the findings of a formal faculty adjudication panel that  Dr. Aprikyan was not guilty but that the Admini[...]