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April 5th, 2015 - 12:12 pm § in America, Jews, The Ave Scene

Passover1 This seder is only kosher if you live in Colorado, Washington State, Alaska, Oregon, Jamaica, Netherlands, North Korea, Uruguay, and parts of India, !

Blazin’ Seder: How to Incorporate Marijuana Into Your Passover Celebration   Rabbi Haim Rosenblum Apr 1, 2015 9:14AM I don’t know about you, but whenever I approach a Jewish holiday, my first thought is: wouldn’t this be SO MUCH BETTER with a little bit of pot? Oh come on, like you haven�[...]

April 3rd, 2015 - 10:07 am § in Misc.

Our cops kill more people a month than U.K. cops killed in 115 years

U.S. cops killed 111 people in March 2015, whereas United Kingdom police have killed 52 people since 1900, according to Think Progress (click here). This statistic speaks for itself, and doesn’t need comment. Obviously, we have a problem. TP notes that “the deaths follow a national patte[...]

March 18th, 2015 - 7:25 pm § in Politics, Religion

Now only religious people can get married in Oklahoma

Not content to deny the legal rights of marriage to gays, Oklahoma’s crazed Republican legislature today relegated atheists and agnostics to singlehood. According to Democratic Underground, “A bill that would restrict the right to marry to people of faith and [require] all marriage lice[...]

October 9th, 2014 - 10:18 am § in The Ave Scene

Celebrate 11 October ..Day BEFORE Columbus Day .. with The Duwamish People

  Celebrate Indigenous Peoples Day with Chief Seattle’s Duwamish Tribe at the Duwamish Longhouse . Sing, dance & drum at 1-3pm with Duwamish heritage group “Singing Feet”- winner of a 2012 Seattle Mayor’s Arts Award. Chief Seattle’s Speech film at 11am. Princess Angeline film [...]

April 14th, 2014 - 6:02 pm § in Uncategorized

Why Should You Care If Other People Are Bigots?

Because they might shoot you, that’s why. Yesterday, a bigot murdered two Methodists and a Catholic because he thought they were Jews.  In August 2012 a bigot shot ten Sikhs, killing six and wounding four, because he thought they were Muslims.  On Christmas Eve of 1985, a bigot murdered the [...]

November 21st, 2012 - 12:06 pm § in Misc.

BREAKING NEWS: HAMAS CELEBRATES TEL AVIV BUS BOMBING as Israel and Hamas agree to a ceasefire to take effect at 19:00 GMT on Wednesday after a week of violence in which nearly 160 people have died.

As the truce is signed, HAMAS CELEBRATES TEL AVIV BUS BOMBING... Dozen Wounded in Blast... HAMAS 'BLESSES' ATTACK... 'God Willing, We Will Soon See Black Body Bags'... EGYPT: 'TRUCE'... As for the truce, I wonders what that means?  irredentism These negotiations have been very different than past [...]

September 12th, 2012 - 8:54 am § in America, China, Jews

The Jewish Ancestors of Colorado’s Indians

from Xinhua News  Mesa Verde Indians descended from Jewish ancestors  The idea that Native Americans are descendents of the “lost tribes” is a fundamental part of Mormonism and intrinsic to a lot of British and American ideas about the relationship of ancient Israel to the idealistic v[...]

April 11th, 2011 - 10:30 am § in Jews, Misc.

Medved is a Preposterous Patriotic Poseur Who Demeans Other People’s Pesach

The Preposterous Politics of Passover Michael Medved — April 2011 from Commentary Ed. The pompous patriot Medved, a Jew of the Judeo-Christian radical right party, makes snarc remarks about other peoples’ haggadot.  I would send him one of our family haghadot, but would be afraid he might p[...]

April 8th, 2011 - 7:00 am § in Schools & Colleges

We find ourselves subsidizing people that don’t have to graduate from college

Ed. The debate here about WGU hinges on money. I suspect the major source of money is public funds .. Pell, military, unemployment.  This funding source presents a problem if the way we award this money to students is need based but assumes that the university will not just carry their students as [...]

March 11th, 2011 - 10:01 am § in America, Misc., Politics, UW

SRO Crowd Reclaims Democracy for Real People

SEATTLE, March 11 -- Last night a SRO crowd flocked to UW's Kane Hall to brainstorm strategy and tactics in the fight against the legal fiction of corporate personhood underpinning the CITIZENS decision. Titled After Citizens United: Reclaiming Democracy for PEOPLE, the event was sponsored by Washin[...]