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September 1st, 2022 - 6:43 pm § in News Media, Politics

Fox vs. News

How Fox “reported” a story (here): “Pennsylvania Democratic Senate nominee John Fetterman hired two convicted murderers to work for his campaign, and his Republican opponent in the state’s November election, Mehmet Oz, claims it shows he is soft on crime. “Dennis and L[...]

August 12th, 2022 - 11:41 pm § in Law and Courts, News Media, Politics

Did Fox commit libel against the search warrant judge?

While filling in for Tucker Carlson on Thursday, August 11, 2022, Fox host Brian Kilmeade displayed a doctored photo of federal magistrate Bruce Reinhart “having his feet massaged by convicted sex offender Ghislaine Maxwell and holding Oreo cookies and alcohol” on Jeffrey Epstein’s[...]

June 28th, 2022 - 7:00 pm § in Donald Trump, News Media, Politics

Why should anyone take Fox seriously?

Parsing today’s dramatic Jan. 6 testimony, Fox News commentator Martha MacCallum remarked (story here), “I’m not sure that it really shocks anybody that the president, just knowing what we’ve seen, observing him over the years if he got angry, that he might throw his lunch.” While [...]

June 14th, 2022 - 12:38 am § in News Media, Politics

More proof Fox is a propaganda, not a news, network

Veteran journalist Chris Stirewalt (bio here) “was working Fox News’ decision desk on Election Night 2020,” and called Arizona for Biden, before any other network. That incensed Trump and his allies, and Fox fired him for it. “Stirewalt’s reporting was totally accurate,” [...]

April 30th, 2022 - 1:20 pm § in Politics, Schools & Colleges

How Fox host Laura Ingraham exploited her mom

Man, talk about sticking her foot in her mouth! The comments were relentless (sampling below), and I’d say she had it coming. Read story and more comments here. “Happy Mother’s Day! May we all work our moms into the grave!” “You let your mom work until she was 73 to pay[...]

April 18th, 2022 - 3:13 pm § in News Media

How a (married) Fox host gets dates

Fox host Jesse Watters, by his own admission, wanted to date a young producer (even though he was married at the time). So here’s what he did: “When I was trying to get Emma to date me, the first thing I did was let the air out of her tires,” Watters said. “She couldn’t go […][...]

April 9th, 2022 - 9:42 pm § in Health, Jews, News Media, Politics

Fox personality quietly sacked for “Dr. Mengele” remark

Rightwing firebrand Lara Logan (profile here, photo below) apparently has been pushed off Fox News after her infamous November 2021 remark comparing Dr. Fauci to Nazi doctor Joseph Mengele, who (among his other crimes) conducted cruel medical experiments on Jewish children (photo, right). This week,[...]

January 27th, 2022 - 4:04 pm § in Law and Courts, News Media, Politics

Fox airheads sound off against a black woman on SCOTUS (video)

Tomi Lahren (bio here) and Maria Bartiromo (bio here) aren’t stupid people, although you’d never know that from their arguments in this video against appointing a black woman to the Supreme Court. They’re so full of helium you wonder how they manage not to float away. Return to The[...]

January 18th, 2022 - 12:03 pm § in Health, Law and Courts, News Media

Talent agency drops Fox host for comnparing Dr. Fauci to infamous Nazi doctor

Fox host (or ex-host, that isn’t clear yet) Lara Logan (bio here) won’t get any more gigs from United Talent Agency (profile here). She’s so nasty and vile, they want nothing to do with her. She may have lost her Fox Nation gig, too; at the very least, Fox executives have buried he[...]

December 28th, 2021 - 3:51 pm § in Health, News Media, Politics

Yes, Fox hosts are awful

Any other network would fire Jesse Waters (photo, left) for his recent speech to a rightwing group, but not Fox. Speaking to a partisan crowd about Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the federal infectious diseases agency, he said, “Now you’re going for the kill shot. The kill shot with an a[...]