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April 30th, 2016 - 1:46 am § in Christianity, Misc.

What Is “Caucasian?”

So, we know from modern genetics that people from the Caucuses invaded Europe about 9000 years ago. Those Caucasians are the ancestors of most Europeans … aka “white” folks. However, that migration does not do much to explain skin color. White folks also include Jews, Arabs, Iran[...]

April 27th, 2016 - 1:07 am § in Misc.

Black Lives Matter: Guilt vs Responsibility

BLM totters on the edge of two bad things … white guilt and self pity. Guilt is a lousy replacement for responsibility. White guilt remains a source of racism not only among Southern red necks but among condescending whites, especially in communities like Seattle where the white majority has r[...]

April 22nd, 2016 - 2:55 am § in Jews, Misc.

Call me Honky

This began as a discussion with a Jewish friend, someone I respect greatly. I will call my friend Aaron. Aaron, of course is a pseudonym.  The words below the picture (of John Carridine as Aaron)  are an edited version of an email sent to me. Aaron is a socially committed and very learned Jew. He[...]

January 7th, 2016 - 10:05 am § in Misc.


  We’ll call her Yonah. ON MY MIND  JANUARY 4, 2016 MANISHTANA   From the Jewnited Nations website: “A mutual friend informed a group of us that Yonah had passed away and that the funeral would be later that week in Brooklyn, they weren’t sure when yet. But they wanted to make[...]

January 6th, 2015 - 3:59 pm § in America

BLACK RACISM on Facebook

A Response to a comment on Face Book.  After Charlie James posted a piece that asserted that Moses and Jesus were “Black,” corrected this and then had the displeasure of an onslaught of racism .. black racism. Charlie You know how much I admire you for your life long efforts at fightin[...]

December 2nd, 2014 - 12:13 pm § in America

Race is an issue in these killings but is wrong to blame the “white” cop.

Officer Daniel Pantaleo is the cop who strangled Eric Garner to death when Garner, an African American, resisted arrest for the minor crime of selling cigarettes at 75 cents per.   Officer Pantaleo was brought before a grand jury that decided it had no case because the officer was acting within hi[...]

September 29th, 2014 - 5:19 pm § in Jews

You, you … caveman!

Fifth of Neanderthals’ genetic code lives on in modern humans outside of Africa Benjamin Vernot and Joshua Akey at the University of Washington reported in Science that they sequenced the genomes of more than 600 people from Europe and eastern Asia. They found a lasting legacy of sexual encou[...]

September 3rd, 2014 - 12:58 pm § in Misc.

Slur of the Day

Ofay (US) a white person or honkey  from Pig Latin for “foe.” [29][140][...]

August 14th, 2014 - 4:34 am § in Misc.

Slur of the Day: Four “K words”

Keling a word used to describe people originating from the Indian subcontinent by native Malaysians and Indonesians – originally merely descriptive, it has come since the 1960s to be considered offensive by a majority of Indians Kike   Honkey term for Jews. Kraut (from Sauerkraut) (North Amer[...]

July 9th, 2014 - 4:00 am § in America, Hypocrisy

People of Color: What is the antonym for POC?

CENSORING IGGE A ruckus has arisen because of an  op-ed  in the monthly West View News of the West Village in New York.  The author, James  Collier, used the N word to make the all to real point that  “far right voters hate Obama …America’s increasing tolerance of far-right o[...]