MADISON, March 31 (AP) -- Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker announced at a press conference that he is unilaterally withdrawing the controversial budget legislation that has spawned a labor uprising in his Capitol. Governor Scott Walker caves to unions A contrite Gov. Scott Walker announces he[...]
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Radical Right Truths: Climategate
Many have asked what I fear is the worst issue confronting these United States; after reflection and tought, I have concluded a rather unique, but I believe ultimately correct, answer: The politicization of science. Yes, science has become a political minefield, and the results are the catastrop[...]
Lysenko: The Rad Right Charges Academe with Lysenko-ism.
Ed. A couple of weeks ago, The AVE published a story from OSU claiming that the University was silencing students because of the scientific claims of their father, a climate change denialist. The image from the right is of an academic establishment mimicking the Roman Church’s persecution [...]
from SimplyShrug, Ed. “Simply Shrug “calls itself “Simply Shrug – Pragmatic Conservativism.” I suspect few people who read TA ever get to see this sort of material . When we do hear it, e.g. from Beck, there is a sad tendency to dismiss it as rhetoric or “wi[...]
NYT Calls Out Faux Fox News
Ed. The politesse of the “main stream media” in not idenifying Fox as what it is, might not matter IF the US, like Europe, had both left an right wing tabloid style news. We do not. Instead we an uttelry intimidated “objective” journalism that is to shallow to float any[...]
Florida’s Repricans* have come to the defense of the Bill of Rights!
Sen. Alan Hays of Florida :“I filed a bill that says in the courts of Florida the laws of no other country can be used to influence the decisions of Florida,. If it’s Sharia law or any other law — I don’t care what law it is — if it’s not a Florida law and [&helli[...]
PreMeds: A Different View
The chariot scene in the movie Ben Hur has all the trappings of mindless, driven competition .. just like premed? As an MD and an intellectual, I find the chariot race of pre med stultifying. Too many premeds, too few slots result in competitors who mindlessly do selfless things … whether that[...]
How The Washington Public Sees the UW.
From a colleague who prefers to be anonymous: related posts on governance. I would like to respond to the concerns Steve has posted about the way the UW presents itself to the citizens of this state. We have lost our standing in front of our fellow citizens and our legislators in Olympia. The image [...]
British Citizens Demand Revolution!
Americans watching the Egyptian Revolution might remember our own history and think about the demonstrations of a few weeks ago in Britain. Students in Britain took to the street to protest the huge increases in tuition under the new British Conservative government. Those increases are well belo[...]
WA Legislators Think Online=Free
Unfortunately, opposition to real educational technology now comes from all sides. Union advocates are worried about losing faculty jobs. The politicians want to save bucks now, no matter what that costs later. :Luddites, lack Glen Beck, don’s care because they think learning is worthless [...]