AWESOME. BRS and I watched the live feed!!!!!!!![...]
Archive for the ‘Science’ Category
Lessons from UV for UW
“What Terry Sullivan’s Reinstatement at U. Va Really Tells Us about the Future of Higher Ed Does the reappointment of University of Virginia’s president mark a triumph over corporate interests? Or is it more proof that public universities are headed for demise?” By Aaron Bady [...]
The Washington Post: U.S. pushes for more scientists, but the jobs aren’t there
The Canary in the Mine: a frightening insight into the US Economic future. Based in part on Washington Post article, “U.S. pushes for more scientists, but the jobs aren’t there“ Here in Washington state, Ed Lazowska , the Bill and Melinda Gates Professor of Comp Sci at UW, is a very fo[...]
Life Begins at Conception … a US senate proposal to control floods.
Rand Paul Just Wants To Add a ‘Life Begins at Conception’ Plank To This Flood Insurance Bill, What’s the Problem? … in WONKETTE by Jim Newell The Senate is trying to pass a flood insurance bill, and all Rand Paul wants to do is improve the quality of flood insurance that Americans nation[...]
Will this drug treat republicanism?
Article in Psychopharmacology suggests the possibility of a cure for bigotry! Well maybe not a cure, but imagine where this could lead? If we can modify racism, maybe we can “treat” republicans so they become rational? Professor Julian Savulescu of Oxford University’s Faculty o[...]
Berkeley Blog: How Science Works
Trusting your fellow scientist Anna Goldstein, chemistry grad student | 3/6/12 In my last post, I told you that Berkeley Physics professor Richard Muller is the go-to guy for proof of anthropogenic climate change. Maybe that strikes you as odd. Why would I look to a physicist for information about o[...]
Kentucky law requires educators teach “the theory of creation as presented in the Bible” and “read such passages in the Bible as are deemed necessary for instruction on the theory of creation.” The Tennessee House passed a bill earlier this year that describes evolution and g[...]
SUNDAY REVELATIONS: Finding the lost tribe
The Book of Genesis has instilled wonder for 3,000 years, now it has been superseded by our ability to read the Deity’s own writing ……. Researchers Reconstructing Genome of Extinct Human Population Using 1000 Genomes Data By Andrea Anderson EXCERPTS MONTREAL (GenomeWeb New[...]
2012 Millennium Technology Prize goes to stem cell scientist Shinya Yamanaka Yamanaka received the award jointly with Linus Torvalds, the developer of the the open source operating system, LINUX. The comparison is startling. While Torvalds’ achievements are impressive, they are part of wha[...]