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November 23rd, 2021 - 8:34 pm § in Politics

Oath Keeper unfit to be legislator, fellow West Pointers say

Alaska state legislator David Eastman is a West Point graduate. He’s also an Oath Keeper, and dozens of his fellow West Pointers aren’t happy. In a letter to an Alaska paper (read it here), they blasted his conduct and demanded he resign, alleging he “discredited” himself and[...]

April 13th, 2012 - 9:44 am § in Misc.

North Korea: Failed launch of Pointer 1.

North Korea admits missile failure Long-range rocket breaks up 90 seconds into flight The World North Korea’s missile politics Seoul warns on N Korea firepower threat Kim under pressure after rocket failure Slideshow North Korea rocket launch Podcast North Korea’s missile politics[...]

April 12th, 2012 - 10:13 pm § in Misc.

APPLESAUCE: Korea’s “pointer” rocket fails

N. Korea Rocket Launch Fails   North Korea’s long-range rocket launch turned out to be an outright failure. The rocket flew about 75 miles before breaking up into four pieces and crashing into the sea about a minute into the launch. According to NORAD, the first stage of the North Korean miss[...]

May 17th, 2024 - 10:22 pm § in Israel/Palestine, Politics, Republicans

He didn’t say, “I support Hamas,” Republicans did

The GOP’s congressional campaign committee put those words (see them here) in Rep. Pat Ryan’s mouth. Why? Because Ryan (D-NY) voted against a GOP bill attacking Biden’s arms delivery pause, as did nearly all House Democrats. It’s a ludicrous political attack. Ryan supports the U[...]

May 13th, 2024 - 2:35 pm § in Donald Trump, Politics, Republicans

Kristi Noem caught in 2nd false boast

George Santos isn’t the only Republican who embellishes his resume. Politicians writing books (actually, having one ghostwritten) is a common practice. The books can make a lot of money, but mainly they serve as campaign posters, drawing attention to a politician seeking a promotion. Typically[...]

December 23rd, 2022 - 3:36 am § in Law and Courts

Alaska judge won’t bar Oath Keeper from office

An Alaska judge declined to bar an Oath Keepers member from public office, ruling that while the organization tried to violently overthrow the U.S. government, state representative David Eastman (R-Wasilla) did not take part in those efforts (read story here). In September 2022, a federal judge remo[...]

August 11th, 2021 - 12:09 pm § in Misc.

Spokane woman to be West Point’s top cadet

Local kid makes good story: This Sunday, Holland Pratt (photo, left) of Liberty Lake, Washington, will become West Point’s First Captain of Cadets, the Spokane Spokesman-Review reported on August 11, 2021 (story here; see West Point press release here). First Captains are “responsible fo[...]

May 11th, 2021 - 2:14 pm § in Economics, News Media

What’s the stock market doing? Nothing that matters.

MAY 11, 2021 — The stock market is, or should be, mostly a big yawn. It goes up, down, back up, down again, etc. ad. infinitum. The best way to manage your portfolio is pay little to no attention to it. Study after study has shown that trying to manage around market swings reduces long-term r[...]

November 14th, 2020 - 12:58 am § in America, Biden, Donald Trump, Politics

The White House staff are delusional

This article contains news quoted from Huffington Post with liberal commentary. “The operating ‘assumption’ at the White House is that Donald Trump is heading into his second term, his trade adviser Peter Navarro said Friday …. ‘We think he won that election,’ sai[...]

July 31st, 2020 - 2:58 pm § in America, Donald Trump, Politics, Racism

Trump lobbies GOP senator on base names

A Washington D.C. diner recorded a conversation between Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK) and President Trump in which the senator promised to help Trump prevent the renaming of military bases bearing Confederate names. Read that story here. Congress has already passed a Defense Authorization Act containing [...]