Search Results

February 20th, 2022 - 11:33 pm § in Misc.

New MH370 location theory

Might missing Malayasian Airlines Flight MH370, after years of fruitless searching, still be found? A British aerospace engineer, described as “credible” by Australian authorities, used disturbances in radio waves such as an aircraft flying through them could cause to pinpoint a crash si[...]

May 15th, 2018 - 9:48 am § in Misc.

Experts theorize MH370 was murder-suicide

A team of aviation experts has concluded the pilot of the missing Malayasian Airlines 777 probably deliberately crashed the plane. Telltales include a devious weaving flight path to evade radar, a wing dip near the captain’s hometown for a last look, and the lack of any distress calls. Read st[...]

July 23rd, 2016 - 7:55 am § in Misc.

MH370 was deliberate

CNN reports the FBI recovered data from the hard drives of MH370 Capt. Zaharie Ahmad Shah’s homemade flight simulator showing he practiced flying a route to the southern Indian Ocean on his simulator less than a month before the missing plane took the same route to oblivion. That can’t [...]

April 16th, 2015 - 8:14 am § in China, Misc.

MH370 Plane Still Not Found

China, Malaysia, Australia agree to double search zone of MH370[...]

March 9th, 2015 - 11:06 pm § in Misc.

Is this the first bit of MH370 debris?

It’s not much, just an unopened premoistened towelette packet. But it has “Malaysian Airlines” printed on it, and it was found on a beach in western Australia last summer a few months after the missing Boeing 777 is believed to have crashed in the Indian Ocean, just a few feet from[...]

February 22nd, 2015 - 3:20 am § in Misc.

The search for MH370 goes on

There’s still no trace of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370, which went missing last March, but four vessels are looking for it in the southern Indian Ocean. The search of the new “priority” area — currently 36% complete — began in October and is expected to wrap up in M[...]

April 29th, 2014 - 12:55 pm § in Uncategorized

Hi-Tech Company Spots MH370 & Elvis Presley In Satellite Fotos

An Australian geosurvey company says it has found “the wreckage of a commercial airliner” resembling a Boeing 777 on the seafloor in the Bay of Bengal, 100 miles off the coast of Bangladesh, using proprietary technology that identifies the presence of specific metals in satellite images.[...]

April 28th, 2014 - 1:01 pm § in Misc.

Is This Flight MH370?

An amateur pilot in the U.S. helping in the search for Flight MH370 by poring over satellite images has spotted what he thinks may be a Boeing 777 resting in shallow water in the Gulf of Thailand, near where MH370 turned off course.  This site also may be within visual range of an oil platform [&he[...]

April 26th, 2014 - 10:53 pm § in Misc.

Was Flight MH370’s Disappearance A Black Op?

Making a Boeing 777 with 239 crew and passengers vanish without a trace isn’t easy.  Maybe a rogue pilot or a hijacker could pull it off.  Or, it may be so difficult only a government — specifically, an intelligence agency– could do it.  What little we actually know about  Mala[...]

March 28th, 2014 - 8:55 am § in Misc.

BREAKING NEWS: Seattle Mudslide and MH370 Site

Planes flying over new the most recent site for the crash of MH370 have spotted debris, confirming satellite data and computer simulations that this may be the actual site. This image is the first from an airplane to confirm Satellite data. The number of fatalities in a mudslide in Washington state[...]