New MH370 location theory

Might missing Malayasian Airlines Flight MH370, after years of fruitless searching, still be found?

A British aerospace engineer, described as “credible” by Australian authorities, used disturbances in radio waves such as an aircraft flying through them could cause to pinpoint a crash site 1,933 km (1,200 miles) due west of Perth on rugged sea floor in 13,000 feet of water, on the same track line as previously searched but slightly north of previous search areas. See map and story here.

However, Wikipedia says his methodology, called “weak signal propagation reporter” (WSPR) analysis (explained here), is “highly questionable” (more details here)., a Murdoch-owned Australian news website, reported on Monday, February 21, 2022, that Australian authorities “are yet to be persuaded to tackle a new search mission” (see story here), and Daily Mail (at first link above) said, “The Australian Transport Safety Bureau described Mr Godfrey as ‘credible’ and would renew [review] the data, but didn’t confirm if the search would be re-started.”

Is he right? Well, as they say, the proof is in the pudding. If the plane is found where he says it is, then he’s right. If a new search comes up empty-handed, like the previous ones, then it’s back to the drawing board.

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