The death of Ezra hurt me personally.
The Nazis eradicated all of our family bearing the “Schweartz” name .. leaving only my namesake and grandfather Schmoel (Samuel) Schwartz. Schmoel survived because he emigrated to the United States.
My parents gave me Schmoel’s name but also gave me Stephen, the name of the first person identified as a Christian. I became Stephen because Jews could not easily carry our traditional names. I prefer Schmoel and would use it except that most other Americans can not pronounce this foreign name.
Sadly, I know that Ezra and I are not related. His parents are not among the 7 grandchildren descended from Schmoel and my Grandmother Rose. But Ezra’s death hurt in another way. Since my brother’s effort to destroy my father’s WWII pictures from Buchenwald, Hugh and my brother in law Wllliam Quick have gone to great lengths, even attacking this website with charges of pornography and trying to get my University to fire me. William even used a Public Records Act request to get all of my emails .. in the hope he could do more harm. For his part, Hugh filed false charges of theft against my daughter and I .. all intended to see that my father’s pictures form Buchenwald never get published. Theit hateful acts have hurt deeply.
Through all this I have worked with an attorney from this Jewish community in Sharon .. ironically the community where Ezra Schwartz is now being mourned. That community has been incredibly kind to me. My wife and I have been fortunate to celebrate several shabats in Sharon, enjoying a community that recognized me even though our beliefs are very different. After hate filled sessionx in court with Hugh, Bill and their wives, dovening (saying prayers) together in the little shul in Sharon has been a great blessing.
I treasure the shabats my wife and I have shared with these wonderful Jews.
This post has attracted a long thread on FACEBOOK. Here is the thread
Stephen Schwartz shared his post.
21 hrs
Stephen Schwartz published an article on WordPress.
21 hrs · WordPress
The death of Ezra hurt me personally. The Nazis eradicated all of our family bearing the “Schweartz” name .. leaving only my namesake and grandfather Schmoel (Samuel) Schwartz. Schmoel survived because he emigrated to the United States. My parents gave me Schmoel’s name but also gave me Stephen, the name of the first person identified as a Christian. I became Stephen because Jews could not easily carry our traditional names. [ 249 more words. ]
BUCHENWALD 83: Ezra Schwartz and My Family Tragedy
by Stephen Schwartz
Alan Abramowitz and Revkah Rose like this.
Bill Quick
Bill Quick It’s sad that this hate-filled polemic is allowed to be posted at this group. There are numerous lies and other misstatements in the original posting at his website: for instance, I never tried to get him fired from his job; the author’s brother Hugh never filed a lawsuit against him. And most important, it is Stephen Schwartz who is repeatedly throwing roadblocks into the process of getting their father’s pictures from Europe during WWII donated to a university that can preserve and promote them. Stephen’s hatred of his brother and sister, simply put, is based on delusions. Sad. And sadder still that he spews his venom onto the internet as well as the court lawsuit that he filed to obstruct Hugh from donating the collection.
Like · Reply · 21 hrs
Stephen Schwartz
Stephen Schwartz Just facts:
Like · Reply · 20 hrs
Stephen Schwartz
Stephen Schwartz JUST FACTS ..all easlily verified.
1. Hugh filed what is called a “replevin” suit. This is a legal term claiming theft. My daughter and my joint costs for defnse of this exceeded $150,000.
2. William, Hugh, Stephanie and Hugh’s wife Janet, sent 100s of emails to the University of Wasgington and to our Attorney General claiming that I was mentally deficient, had falsified my CV, that The-Ave.US purported to be an offcial UW site, and claimng that The-Ave.US promoted racism and pornography.
3. I agreed to sign exaclty the gift document to Brandeis that Hugh’s wife, Janet Lynn prepared. Stephanie, my sister and Bill’s wife, refused nor me.
4. The pictures are now in an undisclosed location and have been in Hugh’s possession for almost three years. These are very fragile and are decaying. Also, I want to send them to the survivors, most who whom are noe in their nineties. Hugh has refused to have the pictures sent to a competent agency where they could be preserved and has threatened (in voce message that si recorded) to destry them.
Like · Reply · 20 hrs
Bill Quick
Bill Quick 1) The replevin action was not against Stephen Schwartz nor his daughter. How he claims he needed to spend $150,000+ on that lawsuit is beyond comprehension. Of note, in a pair of agreements hammered out by the Estate and Stephen and the other benefici…See More
Like · Reply · 19 hrs · Edited
Stephen Schwartz
Stephen Schwartz Bill seems to have a need to lie.. As I said all of this is in records available to anyone who wants to see them.
As to the claim that there is some agreement with Brandeis, neither I nor Brandeus have ever discussed any such agreement…
Unlike · Reply · 1 · 18 hrs
Stephen Schwartz
Stephen Schwartz As for Hugh being prepared to send the materials yo New England Document Conservation. Center, Brandeis provided him enough their address…
Like · Reply · 16 hrs
Stephen Schwartz
Stephen Schwartz Oh yeh.. If Bill likes I will make the pdfs of his emails to the UW public. so anyone can read them.
Like · Reply · 16 hrs
Bill Quick
Bill Quick I’m not the one lying. Let’s dissect Steve’s lies one at a time. Stephen Schwartz says above that “Hugh filed what is called a “replevin” suit. This is a legal term claiming theft. My daughter and my joint costs for defnse [sic] of this exceeded $150,0…See More
Like · Reply · 15 hrs · Edited
Stephen Schwartz
Stephen Schwartz Read the affidavit a you signed.. If you have lost yours, I can publish it for you
Like · Reply · 15 hrs
Stephen Schwartz
Stephen Schwartz Since you seem to be favoring a public discussion, perhaps you will Ali’s comment on Hugh’s handling of my Dad’s medical records.. Do you think a physicians estate ought to follow the HIPAA law on protecting medical records?
Like · Reply · 15 hrs
Stephen Schwartz
Stephen Schwartz Oh, and since Bill wants to talk about Hugh, tell us what be claimed was stolen?
Like · Reply · 15 hrs
Hugh Schwartz
Hugh Schwartz Stephen is absolutely right. The Estate filed a Replevin action. However, the action was not filed against him or his daughter. In fact, neither the Estate nor Hugh Schwartz has ever filed a lawsuit against Stephen or his daughter.
Like · Reply · 15 hrs
Stephen Schwartz
Stephen Schwartz Shall we publish the affidavits you signed?
Oh, and what did you claim was stolen and by whom?
Like · Reply · 15 hrs
Bill Quick
Bill Quick The reader will note that when Stephen Schwartz is caught in a lie, he ignores the request to clarify (in this case, re the replevin action and his outrageous lie that he spent $150,000 to defend himself and his daughter) and brings up irrelevant topics in an effort to sidetrack the discussion.
Like · Reply · 15 hrs
Stephen Schwartz
Stephen Schwartz No.. The affidavits were filed as part of the suit..
Like · Reply · 15 hrs · Edited
Bill Quick
Bill Quick What suit are you referring to?
Like · Reply · 15 hrs
Bill Quick
Bill Quick Anyway, let’s get back to the first of Stephen Schwartz’s lies. I asked Stephen to correct the lie — he didn’t spend $150,000 to defend the replevin action which wasn’t against him. Come on, buddy, admit you misspoke when you made that claim!
Like · Reply · 15 hrs
Stephen Schwartz
Stephen Schwartz No Bill. The suit included charges of theft against me and my draughter..
Perhaps you think such charges are benign, I do not.
Like · Reply · 15 hrs
Bill Quick
Bill Quick You still haven’t clarified what suit you are referring to — one of the several that you filed, or the replevin action?
Like · Reply · 14 hrs
Stephen Schwartz
Stephen Schwartz Meanwhile, I just got back from a meet in with our synagogue where we discussed the larger issues of hate mongering.
Like · Reply · 14 hrs
Stephen Schwartz
Stephen Schwartz Sorry… What suits do you think I have filed?
Like · Reply · 14 hrs · Edited
Bill Quick
Bill Quick Ask your attorney if you forgot what you’ve filed.
Like · Reply · 14 hrs
Stephen Schwartz
Stephen Schwartz You referred to suits..
Like · Reply · 14 hrs
Bill Quick
Bill Quick Let’s get back to your lie about the replevin action — if hypothetically you spent $150,000 to defend you and your daughter, who received that money? Your lawyer? Or someone else?
Like · Reply · 14 hrs · Edited
Stephen Schwartz
Stephen Schwartz As for lawsuits, the suit now in court is simple.. It asks the court to enforce the contract Hugh, I and Stephanie signed.. That contract, in part, included an agreement that the three children of Robert donate the WWII materials to a university or mus…See More
Like · Reply · 14 hrs · Edited
Bill Quick
Bill Quick Hold on, buddy. One lawsuit at a time, please! You’re scattergunning to avoid answering a simple question: Did you lie about the replevin action when you insinuated it was against you & your daughter (which it was not) and when you claimed that “My daughter and my joint costs for defnse [sic] of this exceeded $150,000”? When you answer this one (truthfully, please!) then we can tackle your other misstatements and irrelevant comments.
Like · Reply · 14 hrs · Edited
Stephen Schwartz
Stephen Schwartz Again Bill, the suit named us and charged us with theft.
Like · Reply · 14 hrs
Hugh Schwartz
Hugh Schwartz Another fantasy. You were not named as defendant in this suit neither was your daughter.
Like · Reply · 12 hrs
Stephen Schwartz
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Bill Quick
Bill Quick Hmmm. An impass. Hugh says the suit didn’t name Stephen Schwartz nor his daughter (see above: “In fact, neither the Estate nor Hugh Schwartz has ever filed a lawsuit against Stephen or his daughter.”), and Stephen says it did.
Like · Reply · 14 hrs
Stephen Schwartz
Stephen Schwartz The affidavits are public records Bill. The charges are there.
If Hugh wishes, I certainly can publish the affidavit he signed
. The suit against our stepmother was filed by Hugh. Do you want to tell us what she stole,
Like · Reply · 14 hrs
Stephen Schwartz
Stephen Schwartz And, the same affidavits refer to an action Hugh claims were taken by the federal government and the Commonwealth against Hugh for mishandling of the records from my Dad’s medical practice.
As a physician, I assume you know how serious such a charges are… Can you tell us what charges Hugh says we’re made against him.. or were there any charges?
Like · Reply · 13 hrs
Hugh Schwartz
Hugh Schwartz Stephen this is fantasy. Neither you or your daughter were named as defendants in the suit. Again neither the Estate or myself has ever sued either of you. I hope for you sake you did not pay an attorney $150k to defend you in a suit in which you were not a party. That would be really stupid.
Like · Reply · 13 hrs
Stephen Schwartz
Stephen Schwartz Would you care to comment on the charges you made in the affidavits?
Like · Reply · 13 hrs
Hugh Schwartz
Hugh Schwartz Would you care to comment on who you paid $150k to in regards to the replevin action that you were NOT a defendant?
Like · Reply · 12 hrs
Hugh Schwartz
Hugh Schwartz We’re you or your daughter a defendant in the replevin action brought by the Estate? By the,way our stepmother was not a defendant either.
Like · Reply · 12 hrs
Stephen Schwartz
Stephen Schwartz So who was the defendent and why did you drop the suit?
Like · Reply · 12 hrs
Stephen Schwartz
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Stephen Schwartz
Stephen Schwartz You reviewed the bills in Judge. Kopelman’s court.
You also signed an agreement to repay those fees…though you did use estate funds to do that.
What is your point??
By the way are you coming to tell us what you did with Dad’s puctures… Do they still exist?
Like · Reply · 12 hrs
Hugh Schwartz
Hugh Schwartz No i never reviewed any bills regarding any attorney defending you or your daughter on a replevin action or was there any agreement for me personally pay any of your legal bills. Further, Kopelman was not a court of law.
Like · Reply · 12 hrs · Edited
Carole Lieberman
Carole Lieberman Sid Rabin Wow‼️ This would make a heck of a movie
So sad that this can’t be resolved with a peaceful solution for all involved Fighting is not the answer‼️
Like · Reply · 12 hrs
Stephen Schwartz
Stephen Schwartz Carole Lieberman Sid Rabin
We have tried… As of now the pictures are hidden somewhere by Hugh.. He has refused to tell us whether they even still exist and went so far as to threaten to destroy them. …See More
Like · Reply · 11 hrs · Edited
Stephen Schwartz
Stephen Schwartz Carole Sid ctd
From there my intent is simple… First, the materials., assuming they still exist… need to be treated and then digitally copied… This preserves them.. Some museums might do the work but Hugh has chosen Brandeis and they lack the r…See More
Like · Reply · 11 hrs · Edited
Stephen Schwartz
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Stephen Schwartz
Stephen Schwartz Sad, you did.. In judge Kopelman’s courtn
Like · Reply · 11 hrs · Edited
Hugh Schwartz
Hugh Schwartz You already lied in this thread about you and your daughter eing sued by me and/or the Estate. You know full well it never happened. You also know that Kopelman was an arbitrator hired by both sides in an attempt to avoid further litigation not a co…See More
Like · Reply · 11 hrs
Hugh Schwartz
Hugh Schwartz Dear Carole and Sid. This is not funny. It is unfortunate. I would be happy if the administrator would take all of this diatribe off this site. I have let it go on without comment for a,very long time. At some point the record needs to be cleared.
Like · Reply · 11 hrs
Hugh Schwartz
Hugh Schwartz Good night all and happy thanksgiving.
Like · Reply · 11 hrs
Stephen Schwartz
Stephen Schwartz Hugh
No, I did not violate anything..
Not did I say we were in any court hearing before Judge Kopelman.. I simply described what we did there during arbitration.. Which he chose to do in a. Courtroom
As for the agreements, you failed to meet its terms resulting in the second session after you were in severan months default..
I have not the least idea what you think I did to violate the first agreement..
Like · Reply · 11 hrs · Edited
Carole Lieberman
Carole Lieberman
Like · Reply · 11 hrs
Stephen Schwartz
Stephen Schwartz Tx Carole.
Like · Reply · 1 · 11 hrs
Hugh Schwartz
Hugh Schwartz Stephen Schwartz quotes from above:
“You reviewed the bill’s in Judge Kopelman’ court.”
“Sad you did…in judge Kopelman’ courtn” .
Your words Stephen not mine.
You would not know the truth if it hit you in the face.
Like · Reply · 11 hrs
Hugh Schwartz
Hugh Schwartz You still have not explained why you lied to everyone above about being sued by the Estate or me or who you paid $150k to do defense of a suit which you were not a party.
Like · Reply · 10 hrs
Carole Lieberman
Carole Lieberman Stephen & Hugh, Please, no more Your words are like a knife in each other’s heart. Please, no more
Like · Reply · 10 hrs
Stephen Schwartz
Stephen Schwartz Carole Lieberman Tx for all the kind feelings. I have copied the thread over to THE-Ave,US and suggestt that Hugh, Bill or anyone else take their comments there,
Like · Reply · 10 hrs · Edited
Stephen Schwartz
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Stephen Schwartz
Stephen Schwartz I think I have answered your questions fully..
Like · Reply · 10 hrs
Stephen Schwartz
Stephen Schwartz To save everyone;s time, I have copied these rather endless comments to the original post on THE-Ave.
BUCHENWALD 83: Ezra Schwartz and My Family Tragedy
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Allen Hansen
Allen Hansen I am deleting this thread. The next person to post their fMily feud here will receive a permanent ban.
Like · Reply · 7 hrs
Another thread, mostly by Bill Quick Alan Abramowitz and Revkah Rose like this.
Bill Quick
Bill Quick It’s sad that this hate-filled polemic is allowed to be posted at this group. There are numerous lies and other misstatements in the original posting at his website: for instance, I never tried to get him fired from his job; the author’s brother Hugh n…See More
Like · Reply · 11 hrs
Stephen Schwartz
Stephen Schwartz Just facts:
Like · Reply · 10 hrs
Stephen Schwartz
Stephen Schwartz JUST FACTS ..all easlily verified.
1. Hugh filed what is called a “replevin” suit. This is a legal term claiming theft. My daughter and my joint costs for defnse of this exceeded $150,000. …See More
Like · Reply · 10 hrs
Bill Quick
Bill Quick 1) The replevin action was not against Stephen Schwartz nor his daughter. How he claims he needed to spend $150,000+ on that lawsuit is beyond comprehension. Of note, in a pair of agreements hammered out by the Estate and Stephen and the other benefici…See More
Like · Reply · 9 hrs · Edited
Stephen Schwartz
Stephen Schwartz Bill seems to have a need to lie.. As I said all of this is in records available to anyone who wants to see them.
As to the claim that there is some agreement with Brandeis, neither I nor Brandeus have ever discussed any such agreement…
Unlike · Reply · 1 · 8 hrs
Stephen Schwartz
Stephen Schwartz As for Hugh being prepared to send the materials yo New England Document Conservation. Center, Brandeis provided him enough their address…
Like · Reply · 6 hrs
Stephen Schwartz
Stephen Schwartz Oh yeh.. If Bill likes I will make the pdfs of his emails to the UW public. so anyone can read them.
Like · Reply · 6 hrs
Bill Quick
Bill Quick I’m not the one lying. Let’s dissect Steve’s lies one at a time. Stephen Schwartz says above that “Hugh filed what is called a “replevin” suit. This is a legal term claiming theft. My daughter and my joint costs for defnse [sic] of this exceeded $150,0…See More
Like · Reply · 5 hrs · Edited
Stephen Schwartz
Stephen Schwartz Read the affidavit a you signed.. If you have lost yours, I can publish it for you
Like · Reply · 5 hrs
Stephen Schwartz
Stephen Schwartz Since you seem to be favoring a public discussion, perhaps you will Ali’s comment on Hugh’s handling of my Dad’s medical records.. Do you think a physicians estate ought to follow the HIPAA law on protecting medical records?
Like · Reply · 5 hrs
Stephen Schwartz
Stephen Schwartz Oh, and since Bill wants to talk about Hugh, tell us what be claimed was stolen?
Like · Reply · 5 hrs
Hugh Schwartz
Hugh Schwartz Stephen is absolutely right. The Estate filed a Replevin action. However, the action was not filed against him or his daughter. In fact, neither the Estate nor Hugh Schwartz has ever filed a lawsuit against Stephen or his daughter.
Like · Reply · 5 hrs
Stephen Schwartz
Stephen Schwartz Shall we publish the affidavits you signed?
Oh, and what did you claim was stolen and by whom?
Like · Reply · 5 hrs
Bill Quick
Bill Quick The reader will note that when Stephen Schwartz is caught in a lie, he ignores the request to clarify (in this case, re the replevin action and his outrageous lie that he spent $150,000 to defend himself and his daughter) and brings up irrelevant topics in an effort to sidetrack the discussion.
Like · Reply · 5 hrs
Stephen Schwartz
Stephen Schwartz No.. The affidavits were filed as part of the suit..
Like · Reply · 5 hrs · Edited
Bill Quick
Bill Quick What suit are you referring to?
Like · Reply · 5 hrs
Bill Quick
Bill Quick Anyway, let’s get back to the first of Stephen Schwartz’s lies. I asked Stephen to correct the lie — he didn’t spend $150,000 to defend the replevin action which wasn’t against him. Come on, buddy, admit you misspoke when you made that claim!
Like · Reply · 4 hrs
Stephen Schwartz
Stephen Schwartz No Bill. The suit included charges of theft against me and my draughter..
Perhaps you think such charges are benign, I do not.
Like · Reply · 4 hrs
Bill Quick
Bill Quick You still haven’t clarified what suit you are referring to — one of the several that you filed, or the replevin action?
Like · Reply · 4 hrs
Stephen Schwartz
Stephen Schwartz Meanwhile, I just got back from a meet in with our synagogue where we discussed the larger issues of hate mongering.
Like · Reply · 4 hrs
Stephen Schwartz
Stephen Schwartz Sorry… What suits do you think I have filed?
Like · Reply · 4 hrs · Edited
Bill Quick
Bill Quick Ask your attorney if you forgot what you’ve filed.
Like · Reply · 4 hrs
Stephen Schwartz
Stephen Schwartz You referred to suits..
Like · Reply · 4 hrs
Bill Quick
Bill Quick Let’s get back to your lie about the replevin action — if hypothetically you spent $150,000 to defend you and your daughter, who received that money? Your lawyer? Or someone else?
Like · Reply · 4 hrs · Edited
Stephen Schwartz
Stephen Schwartz As for lawsuits, the suit now in court is simple.. It asks the court to enforce the contract Hugh, I and Stephanie signed.. That contract, in part, included an agreement that the three children of Robert donate the WWII materials to a university or mus…See More
Like · Reply · 4 hrs · Edited
Bill Quick
Bill Quick Hold on, buddy. One lawsuit at a time, please! You’re scattergunning to avoid answering a simple question: Did you lie about the replevin action when you insinuated it was against you & your daughter (which it was not) and when you claimed that “My dau…See More
Like · Reply · 4 hrs · Edited
Stephen Schwartz
Stephen Schwartz Again Bill, the suit named us and charged us with theft.
Like · Reply · 4 hrs
Hugh Schwartz
Hugh Schwartz Another fantasy. You were not named as defendant in this suit neither was your daughter.
Like · Reply · 2 hrs
Stephen Schwartz
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Bill Quick
Bill Quick Hmmm. An impass. Hugh says the suit didn’t name Stephen Schwartz nor his daughter (see above: “In fact, neither the Estate nor Hugh Schwartz has ever filed a lawsuit against Stephen or his daughter.”), and Stephen says it did.
The reader should be aware that what Stephen posted here is most certainly NOT the complete thread. (1) Stephen consistently does not “expand” the long Facebook comments (I count 17 times his incomplete extract he posted here says “See More”). (2) He also does not include the last four comments, including one from one of the administrators: “I am deleting this thread. The next person to post their fMily [sic] feud here will receive a permanent ban.”
Stephen continues to refuse to answer the question I’ve posed serveral times: “Did you lie about the replevin action when you insinuated it was against you & your daughter (which it was not) and when you claimed that “My daughter and my joint costs for defnse [sic] of this exceeded $150,000”?”
Furthermore, after stating above that he’s share the document, he know refuses to do so:
You said “Read the affidavit a you signed.. If you have lost yours, I can publish it for you” I don’t know what you are talking about — please forward a cc to me at [e-mail address redacted]
I will juat ubliah it or you Can get a copy from Hugh.
I can’t stop you from publishing it — let me know where it is published, if you do
you haven’t let me know where it’s published.
or if you prefer, just e-mail me a cc as I requested above
It is already poublished sinc eit is a oubiuc record in Mass.
Send me the link
Goole it or ask your ewife since she signed one on the affidavits.
it’s still perfectly unclear to me what you are talking about — if you have a copy, why not send it to me to clarify what document you mean?
The affidavit your wife signed (whoever wrote it) as part of the replevin action.
To the best of my knowledge, Steph never was involved in the replevin action. So how could she sign an affidavit as part of it?
Ask her, If shed id niot sign it, maybe it is forged?
You know you are being unnecessarily obtuse. You said b4 (several times) you would send the document — but when asked to do so, you don’t, and instead try to change the subject. It’s a game we’ve watched you play over and over. Now, if you have a copy of the document, why not simply forward it as I requested?
THERE IS NO GAME. Ask your wife. I assume she knows what she has signed.
She does not have a copy of the replevin action. If she did, there’d be no reason for me to ask you to fwd a cc. Since you said you’d post it b4, honor what you said – send it to me or post it & let me know where it’s posted.
She signed an affidavit and does not ahve a copy????????????????????????
Not that she recalls re the replevin action. Maybe you’re not talking about the same document as Hugh is == we’re describing the “replevin action” as the suit the Estate (Hugh and Marty as coexecutors) placed against Maxine — is that what you’re talking about?
To be specific, the “replevin action” is Docket No. 11E0069, the “Equitable Replevin Action”. Again, I ask you, is this what you were talking about when you claimed at Factbook “JUST FACTS ..all easlily verified. 1. Hugh filed what is called a “replevin” suit. This is a legal term claiming theft. My daughter and my joint costs for defnse of this exceeded $150,000.” If not, what were you discussing?
If you wish to discuss the oegal issues, then you ned to contact the attorney. I assume that is Day Pitney.
Weasel. You won’t say, which strongly implies you are referencing another document, and that your “fact” that you paid $150K+ to defend the replevin action is bullshit.
You have access the same documents I have access to and their is an estate attorney. Obviously you can cnbtacxt tyhem if you can nto find the documents relating to agreement 1.
Since Day Pitney represents Hugh’s interests and since I am represented in opposition to those interests, I do not see why I am a weasel.
The fundamental question, which you are steadfastly weaseling instead of answering, is whether you indeed paid $150K+ to defend yourself and Havi from a replevin action. I personally think that is untrue; you refuse to provide documentation — even the name & docket number — of whatever source document you are referencing although previously you were proposing posting it. That’s a weasel. Or a skunk. Or a jackass. Take your pick.
Pretty awesome misstatements in but you know something? You never answered my question.