Will Trump pardon this rioter?

Trump has called the Capitol rioters “patriots” and promised to pardon them if he’s elected again.

If I were them, I wouldn’t hold my breath, because Trump lies a lot and doesn’t return loyalty. He’s loyal to no one but himself.

But suppose he does. Will he pardon all of them, or just some, leaving others to rot in prison? What about this guy, Tyler Dykes?

Dykes won minor fame by throwing a Nazi salute at the Capitol riot. His role in the 2017 Charlottesville ne0-Nazi march earned him a prison sentence.

At the Capitol, he tore down barriers, helped a mob break through police lines, stole a riot shield, then paraded inside the building (see story here).

He was an active-duty U.S. Marine at the time. He’s no longer a Marine. He’s now a convict again; for his actions at the Capitol on January 6, 2021, the judge sentenced him to 57 months — nearly 5 years — in prison.

Should Trump, if elected, pardon him? Obviously not. The real question is, will he? After all,Dykes was willing to go to prison for him, Nazi salute and all.

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